The Beginning of my Journey

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All my life I have been on my own roaming from place to place. My land was cursed right before I was born and my mother, Snow White, had to separate our family. There was a magic wardrobe built that my mother, while still pregnant, was going to go into to be sent to a place where the curse would not affect her or the children she was carrying. Things do not always go to plan in life and my mother gave birth before the wardrobe was complete. My twin sister, Emma, and I were going to be separated from our family. Emma was destined to be the savior of the curse and therefor was sent through the wardrobe but my mother would not stop until both of us were away from the boundaries of the curse. My father, Prince Charming, sent a fleet of soldiers with me in a bassinet to where they hoped the curse would not touch and they succeed.

            Growing up I was raised by a woman who had found me once the soldiers, like they were told to, left me so that they could go back to my kingdom. A letter was tucked in with my explaining all that was to happen and was explained to me once I was old enough to understand. I learned as I grew that I also had magic abilities and the wonderful woman helped me master them, providing me with spells and potions in many books. When I became of age I parted from the dear woman who raised me in hopes of finding a way to my family, taking very little clothing and all the magic books with me. Along the way I met many people including the one that changed my life forever. The tale of how we met feels as though it is just a dream. I remember it as if it was just yesterday it had occurred.

            I was walking down the pathway along all of the merchant tables when I bumped into someone. I was, like always, not paying attention to what was around me and did not notice that man that had also been not paying attention. I fell backwards onto the ground with the man falling on top of me.

            "Forgive me, miss. I am so sorry I was not watching where I was walking." The man says as he pushes himself up, offering his hand to me. I look up and meet his eyes while placing my hand in his. Words are at a loss as I meet his gaze and he meets mine.

            "No, no this was all my fault I am sorry, sir. I tend to get lost in my thoughts while walking around." I finally say while the handsome stranger helps me to my feet. "My name is Liza."

            "I am Liam Jones. It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Liza." Says Liam as he kisses the back of my hand. The gesture was not expected and brought a slight blush to my already rosy cheeks. I push a piece of my long golden hair behind my ear. "What is a beautiful woman like yourself doing alone in this type of place? If you don't mind me asking."

            "Just passing through. I am trying to find my family, they were affected by the Evil Queen's curse many years ago. I wish to be reunited with them at last." I inform him while continuing to walk with my new acquaintance down the path. I turn to look at Liam noticing just how handsome he was. Bright blue eyes the color of the sky, dark brown hair on his head, slight facial hair of the same shade of brown, about six feet maybe taller, and very masculine.

            "I'm sorry to hear that is there any way I could help? What are their names, maybe I have heard of them?" he questions while placing a hand on my arm in a comforting way. The kindness and concern shown in his eyes for my troubles.

            "Snow White and Prince Charming are my parents. I have a twin sister named Emma, she is told to be the one that has the ability to break the curse and she was sent away before the curse hit just like I was." We had walked all the way down near the docks where many ships were being loaded and unloaded. Liam had stopped walking and turned towards me, slightly bowing.

            "Princess Liza, please excuse my improper manners. I did not know you were, well, you. Please forgive me." A blush works its way back to my face and I quickly place a hand on my chest while the other touches his shoulder.

            "Oh you have nothing to apologize for and no need to bow, Liam. I am of no such importance for this treatment! I am no better or less than any other person in this world." Liam stands back up, looking me in the eye as my hand slides slightly down his arm while he stands. Quickly realizing where my hand was I blush more and remove it feeling embarrassed.

            "Well if that is what you wish then that is what will be. Allow me to help you? Maybe my crew and I will be of some assistance in finding your family? We have traveled through many realms and are on our way to a new one as we speak. Would you like to join us?" Motioning towards a grand ship with the kingdoms flags that was being loaded for a voyage.

            From that moment on Liam and I became very close, the crew considered me apart of them, and Liam's brother, Killian, became one of my closest friends on the ship. Being a part of this group of people would lead me to everything I wished and more, in time I would learn this.

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