First Girlfriend

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Now this is a interesting thing to start with and something that hurts me quite a bit. My first girlfriend was only a few months ago as of writing this around 21/06/19 was when I started getting close to this girl.

This girl is beautiful (at least I think she is) it took a few months of work for the relationship to start, for those who wondered how I got close to this girl it's rather simple I did small acts of kindness like giving her a pen or pencil if she needed one or having her book ready on her table for her, all of these things managed to form a friendship between us she would come to me if she had problems and the usual with friends and things were going great for the most part then on one fatal day something hit me like a bus, she told me she had feelings for my best friend which hurt but me being me I supported her with getting close to him and the same day I found out that he liked her back which broke my already damaged heart into pieces but I supported them anyway.

Then a few days later I found out my best friend friend zoned her and my chances grow exponentially and then I got invited to a swimming pool party and my friends house and this girl I liked was going there and things went perfectly for me while we were there she spent the entire time with me and I had her in my arms for most of the time.

After everything you learned prior and many nights of FaceTime later I asked her out and she said yes which is my biggest mistake. I dated this girl 2 times and the first time didn't go well with past experiences (that you will here in another section of this story) and my anxiety probably at its peak of a long time came trust issues I still carry to this day and she was still close friends with my best friend, I loved this girl with all my heart but that didn't change my fear and after 2 short weeks of anxiety I broke up with her.

But moving on swiftly and we get to the second time we dated (this went much better). I start dating her again and this was great apart from one mistake I made only about a month into the relationship I had intercourse with her and this heavily changed the relationship and after that pretty much every time we were alone together we were having unprotected sex and we were both under the legal age of consent in the UK which is 16, so as you can imagine 2 underage teens having unprotected sex wasn't a smart move and if you are considering this sort of thing make sure you wrap it before you tap it and make sure your at a healthy point in the relationship.

Before you ask questions she never got pregnant and I am not a father but once she broke up with me, she decided it wasn't enough pain for Liam so she tried to ruin me and the way she did this was by telling my whole friend group that I had raped her and this charge is extremely serious and should not be said lightly but she didn't care all she wanted was my downfall and someone who said they loved you and meant it wouldn't accuse that person of rape I know this got extremely mature very fast but it's why this is so painful to write and think about and why I'm doing this whole thing.

There was consent behind the sex from both her and me and she even admitted this at a later date and this is very serious.

I'm not going to get into detail about any of the subject matter mentioned above because of her and my privacy and it's also long winded and painful to think about and it's very bad stuff

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