Do you believe in Jack Frost?

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Another boring school day to start off the week. Mr.Bill was drowning on about some science thing. Somewthing about bacteria I think. I looked down at the book in my lap. During his class I'd gotten through 3 more chapters. The bell rung.

"Don't forget about the essay due next friday. Class dismissed." Mr.Bill said.

I went off to my locker to grab my bag. "Hey Phoenix!" My friend Amber called. "You wanna help me baby sit the Bennett kids tonight?"

"How long?" I asked as I closed my locker.

"Til 11 or so. Come on, please Phoenix? Tomorrow's Saturday, there's no reason to say no." She begged.

"I guess I can. What time do you want me there?" I asked.

"Come at 6. And don't you dare bring your books!" She said as she walk over to her mom's car.

I walked home through the cold with my nose in my book. It was mid-November already and there still wasn't any snow. Then again, in April we had snow during the egg hunt. That was when Jamie had the sledding accident where he lost a tooth.

At home I unlocked the door and headed straight for my room. I threw my backpack on the floor and flopped on my bed, book still in hand. Laying on my bed I finished the rest of the book.

"I'm home!" Dad called from the front door.

"Hey dad." I said, walking out of my room towards the kitchen.

"Did you finish your homework?" He asked.

"Of course I did. By the way, I'll be going to the Bennett house to baby sit later with Amber." I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard. "When's mom supposed to get home with Kai?"

"Sometime tomorrow. The event ends tonight but they're leaving the next day." He answered, starting dinner for himself. It was already 5:40.

"See you later dad. I'm leaving."

"Do you want me to drive you over there?"

"Nah, it's fine." And with that I left. Listening to Amber for once I left my books at home.

I knocked on the door when I got there. "Jamie, you ready?" I heard Amber ask inside.

I heard shuffling before she opened the door. "Hi Pheonix. We were just choosing a movie." She let me in and almost immediately got tackled to the floor. "Nice Jamie!" I heard them high five.

Lifting myself off the floor I said, "Were you really choosing a movie?"

"No, we were planning this." Jamie said. "Do you believe in Jack Frost?" He asked randomly.

Me and Amber shared a glance with eachother. "Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking about when he became a Guardian earlier in the year. Maybe we could ask him to make it snow!" He was jumping up and down with Sophie following his lead.

"Calm down guys. Jack is probably busy with other things. Like helping Santa with presents. Now why don't you be good children and go wash up for dinner?" Amber said.

The two of them ran off. Amber sighed. "What's up?" I asked her. We walked into the kitchen.

"Jamie, he keeps talking about Jack Frost being real."

By her tone I could tell it wasn't one of those things that just go away over time. "Oh no, how long has this been going on?"

"Since the spring." She sighed again. "Plus, he talks about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Sandman as this group called 'The Guardians' like they all work together. Even if they were real, Santa and the Easter Bunny would never be able to work together. They'd always be arguing over whose holiday is better."

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