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 "The string may stretch or tangle but never break.... The string may stretch or tangle but never break... The string may stretch or tangle but never break lest grandmother has my head."


Alone. That was how she liked to be. Her fingers moved faster, her mind racing ahead as she tapped the keys, connecting the dots, moving the lines, never ceasing until the city was done. 

Alphabetical order, from A to Z. Country by country, state by state, town by town, matching the mortals with the people they were destined to spend their short lives with. 

She watched them all, as she had done since she was the mortal age of 16, pass by their true love to chat up the coffee shop guy, spend nights with strangers who couldn't be further from their match, walk away from love because something was just too hard. They were pathetic in a way, but she couldn't take her eyes off the large screens that surrounded her office. 

Mortals and their silly ways, always needing, craving love. That was what she was here to do, to give them what they desired but in ways, they would never expect. The boy sitting next to you in geometry class who you thought was obnoxious was the one person you were perfect for. The girl on the train platform singing songs that you hated was the person who you would marry.

They were blind. 

Era was not.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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