Harry's POV
After Draco had left and I had my things back, I decided to do my homework finally. 'Mione had been nagging me none stop about doing it and I hadn't even been to any classes since the incident. As much as I didn't want to admit it though, she was right, I still needed to do it so I started going up to my dorm in my dumb chair.I opened the door and just my luck, Ronald was there. All I wanted was my homework so I planned to just ignore him but if one comment about any sensitive subjects left his mouth, he would be hexed into next week. Then I remembered something, Hermione said Mrs Weasley was fine with my condition and offered to help in any way possible, I'm sure she wouldn't care for her two youngest children's opinions all too much. I just so happened to know for a fact that Ron was scared of his mother when she got angry. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Hermione had already offered to write to her for me but I told her not to just yet. That could change depending on Ron's choice of conversation if any at all. I wasn't afraid of using it as a threat.
As I wheeled myself over to my bed, Ron sneered in disgust and muttered something under his breath to which I raised an eyebrow at him.
"How can you even live with yourself, Potter? You can't do anything right, can you? Best seeker in years my arse, you can't even do a simple little stunt without falling off your damn broom." He scoffed at me.
I shook my head at his words, I wasn't just gonna take his words I was gonna fight back no matter what. "Oh yeah? I don't know how you can live with yourself either, Ronald. Same with Ginevra. I don't understand how either of you could just turn on someone like this just because they can't do everything you can. You're acting like a complete set of twats, both of you. What would your mother say if, I dunno, Hermione maybe wrote a letter explaining how you've gone and shunned me because of this? Hypothetically of course. I'm sure she'd be incredibly furious and embarrassed to hear how you two have behaved." And with that, I gave one final smirk and wheeled myself out of the room, slamming the door behind me for dramatic effect.
By the time I got back to the common room, I already had Hermione asking questions so I told her what happened and she would've gone up there but I stopped her. She told me that if she wasn't allowed to sort Ron out herself, Mrs Weasley would do it. I might've threatened Ron with 'Mione writing to her but I wasn't sure whether what he said was enough to get his mum involved. I mean sure he'd gone and spread a lot of things about me recently, some of it being true and very private things (at some point, they had told people that i slept in a cupboard for years but I don't think anyone believed it so that was good I suppose), and that wasn't okay but I kinda felt bad, have you ever heard Mrs Weasley when she's mad? If you haven't, you better be hopeful you don't, it's even worse when you're on the other end of it. I can't help but think to second year when I think of Mrs Weasley being mad, that howler definitely got everyone's attention and I'm pretty sure Ron wanted to go curl up in a corner and disappear at that moment in time. My name wasn't even mentioned but I sure felt like that.
Hermione wouldn't take no for an answer when I tried to tell her that she didn't have to send any letters. She insisted on it, stating that "They need to learn their lesson, Harry! They cannot go spreading around information about you and belittling you constantly. It's not right."
Arguments just earned me a harsh glare or a smack upside the head. She was doing it and I couldn't stop her.
Soon, the letter was written and Hermione sent Hedwig off with it. (Yes, Hedwig is alive. Yay!)
Soon enough, I went back upstairs to go to bed. When I got up there, everyone but Ron was there. Neville saw me first as Seamus and Dean were too busy snogging to notice anything around them. I knew they were together even if they never actually told me.
"Hey, Harry!" Neville smiled at me.
"Hey guys," I smiled back and the two boys standing by Dean's bed pulled apart, blushing madly. They clearly hadn't known I was there until I spoke.
I pulled up to my trunk and took my pyjamas out of it before heading to the bathroom to get changed. That was something I still struggled with, I was getting better at it but it was still a hard task to do. It was definitely made easier with magic though.
Within a few minutes, I was ready to get to bed, exhausted from all the homework I had done. I quickly transferred myself from my chair to my bed before drifting off into the realm of dreams.
Disabled << Harry Potter
Fanfiction----- Voldemort died in the ministry of magic in Harry's fifth year along with Dumbledore. Sirius didn't die! Long live Sirius Orion Black!----- Harry was enjoying his sixth year at Hogwarts. Free of Voldemort. Free of responsibility (other than sch...