peirce X fem! reader(nsfw)

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It was a normal day or as normal as it gets with your roomy ava and the 5 guys that have now been a part of y'alls lives for a few months now all having their own unique quork to them though peirce was the one who took your attention the most he gave you the nickname Bee for some reason maybe cause your small but have a flame in you he and you were always together now a days he was protective and at times would get close to you when others took your attention off him even with ava at times now here you are laying on top of him in bed cuddling he ran his fingers through your (h/c) soft and (h/l) hair he was humming a melody that was comforting to you he purrs when you start to brush his hair with your fingers taking out his ponytail you continue he was loving it urging for you gentle soft touch now he whined when you pulled away you giggle he blushes faintly and looks away you smile"Peirce don't pout i will continue later but its late now and i need to take a bath"he looks at you and thinks "can i join you please Bee"you blush and think as well then hesitatingly nod"s-sure why not"you get up and out of bed he follows you to the bathroom you look at him as he watches you closely you blush more"y-you know what to do dont stare at me"he blinks"yes"is all he says and begins undressing himself you look away and undress yourself your face a pure cherry red as his stare could be felt on you he stands next to you admiring your body quietly which made you fidget nervously you turn the water on and make a bubble bath for the 2 of you he watches the bubbles appear in the water looking amazed by it you smile and look him up and down and notice just how big even as its soft his dick is your face flares up and you look away he pulls you close and you look up to him his face as well a bit flustered "Bee why is your face red are you sick" you blush more"n-no im fine its j-just a bit h-hot in here" he looks at your face closely and grunts a bit"if you say so" he still held you your (b/s) boobs were pressed onto his sculpted chest making you blush more you notice the bath was ready"h-hey look the bath is ready lets get in" he nods and gets in first sitting down you sit across from him "Bee why are you there" you look away"n-no reason do you want m-me over there" he nods and you come over hesitatingly he pulls you close and nuzzles your cheek he wasnt normaly touchy even with how close you both were so you were suprised by this action he stares into your eyes and leans in givimg you a kiss your face turns as red as it could get but you kiss back after a bit it turns passionate and heated you were pinned to the wall of the tub both of you pull away from the kiss you can feel his erection making you gulp he gives you a look asking for permission you nod he goes in slowly your breath hitches as your walls were spread he hits your cirvix making you inhale sharply and hold on to his shoulders "l-let me a j-just p-please" he nods after a bit you gave him the sign to go he begins to move his hips he groans as you moan loudly he kept this pace for a bit till you whimper"p-peirce please f-faster~" he grunts in responce and starts to go faster causing you to get louder he does as well then hits your sweet spot causing your back to arch to he saw this as a hint and used the majority of his strength he put into his thrust to hitting that spot after a bit of him abusing that area you cum harshly making him cum inside of you deeply his knot was as well forced into you making it were you had to take all of his cum when he was done your stomach buldged he pulls out and you groan he huffs you rest your head on his chest he smiles and lays you on top of him he hums the same melody from earlier making you comfortably drift to sleep

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