noi X fem! reader(nsfw)

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It was still new to you having 5 magical deadly or well for the most part threatening guys living at ava and yours place the only one who seemed like he didnt at all come from the place they call home was noi he was sweet gentle and didnt yell unlike asch most the time you found him cute for how innocent he acts it didnt bother you when you had to overly repeat things to him cause you knew he didnt do it to annoy you he was just a bit nieve at times and his face when he gets flustered at the littles affection as well made you swoon for his cuteness when the guys moved in you showed them kindness hoping that if they new you werent ganna threaten then they wouldn't threaten you but that failed excluding noi who thought of your actions as interesting not use to it he after the first week had clung to you easily he as well was happy to be taller then you by few inches around half a foot he as well called you Kit like the candy you intraduced him to kit kats them being his fav he then named his fav person after it you liked it you found it cute but any how now your sitting in the living room on your phone looking at pics you had of noi and you he was blushing and looking at you in the most recent pictures that makes you think a bit and realise how shy he has been with you and a bit more touchy manily hugging and hand holding does he have a crush on you or was he just wanting more affection so you plan to ask him hoping he did like you more then a friend you got up and went to your room he was on your bed watching sockie you smiles and sits next to him he looks at you and smiles with a blush you smile back again you rest your head on his shoulder he blushes more"hey noi i want to ask you somethimg" he looks at you"do you like me in more then a friend way like in a romantic way"he blushes greatly"w-well i um i-i-i*sigh*yes i-i do"you smile and give him a suprise kiss he squeeks but then kisses back you easily dominate the kiss laying on top of him he places his hands on your sides you smirk and press you hips against his groin causing him to gasp you continues to grined against him as he moans you felt a bump in his pants making you giggle and pull away from the kiss he pants heavily and seemed dazed you continue to give him a lap dance he moans more and hold onto your hips"KIT~" he moans out your nickname his face fully flustered you move your hips up away from his groin he whines from the loss of friction"w-why did you stop"he pouts you smirk and pull down his pants he squeeked his erection was around 8 inches you were suprised you thought he would be smaller but you didnt really care you take of your shorts and move your panties to the side and press his tip against your whole and press down taking in 3 inches he moans again your moan synched with his soon you took all of him in besides 2 inches he was panting and huffing you smiles then you remeber their horns are sensitive and grab his firmly he yelped and bucked his hips up harshly striking your cirvix you yelp as well and hold his horns tighter he had a lustful fogged look in his eyes he began to thrust into you holding your hips and making you bounce in his lap you couldnt controle the moans and groans that flooded out of your mouth loudly "k-kit p-please let g-go of my h-horns i-its t-to m-much~"he felt over stimulated but you just gripped tighter he grunts and thrusts in all the way he cums filling you up so much you as well came he let out a shakey sigh you let go of his horns and layed on top of him he pulls out making you gasp a bit he nuzzles you and you smile"k-kit i have a question"you look to him"a-arent we sup-post to do the mating after the courting"you blush"t-to late now huh"you both smile and giggle a bit then cuddle soon falling asleep

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