Chapter 22

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"Hunter, you've worked with a lot of great athletes, men and women alike, but there has to be something special about your chemistry with the Flairs. First Ric and now the second coming, Charlotte. What can you say about that experience?"
Hunter dove right in. "Ric, I don't know if many people know, is a really cool guy. I met him when I was seven. I went to one of his shows, my uncle took me, and I met him backstage. I remember thinking he was the greatest, so when I got to actually meet him I asked if he could be my new dad."
Charlotte had never heard this story before. She was intrigued.
"Well it seems as if you guys got close. You've even quoted him as being like a father to you."
"It's a funny story. I thought dads were just supposed to be these cool guys that everyone liked, so I asked. He told me he was sure I had a dad that loved me but that he could be a really good friend. He gave me an address to write to him whenever I wanted to reach out. I'd mail him letters and cards over the years and he'd actually write back. When my father was out of the picture for good, he really stepped in for me. He is truly one of the greatest."
"And Charlotte?"
Her chest fluttered as Hunter's eyes roamed over her seemingly poised frame. "I've seen her in so many stages of life, but the woman I look at now far exceeds anything I ever thought she'd do. She's so focused and driven to always do her best. Even when she's not feeling well or isn't having the best day, you'd never know it. And she cares so much about her division. I'm honored to be sharing this time and storyline with her."
"What about this queen persona Charlotte has adapted? How did that come about, and how will it play into future events?"
"Hunter and me were training one day and he suggested that instead of being just any woman at his side that I should be a queen. My dad was the man, so the woman was what people expected—I don't want to be predictable. One thing I want to do is honor his legacy, but I have to create my own as well. The queen is much like The Game. She's at the top of her game and knows what she wants and how to get it. She is fearless."
It wasn't the exact truth, but she wasn't going to tell them they were in bed and he woke from his sleep with that epiphany.
"You two have been the talk of the sports circuit. How are you faring with all the attention?"
Charlotte scoffed and smiled. "What's new? I mean, I've only been Ric Flair's daughter my whole life. Cameras and media are a huge part of my existence and always have been."
She wasn't lying, she'd never had much privacy. Now it was finally because of something she'd done. Her and Hunter.
The reporters laughed before firing off more questions. "And what does your father think of your relationship?"
They were jumping right in. Charlotte and Hunter had discussed how and what would be said as far as their very real romance and what would be left to interpretation, but she found herself smiling. She had the worst poker face. Luckily Hunter was there to assist.
"I've known Ric most of my life, and while I'll never be good enough for his daughter, he's a good guy. We respect each other. He trusts me to look after her, and it's exactly what I will do."
"How much of this is for the company facade and how much is real? I mean, we've all seen the steamy kisses and heard about the catastrophe with Stephanie McMahon, but in that world what's really real?"
"Nothing is really real," Charlotte joked. "We're entertainers with strong backhands and sledgehammers."
"So you're telling us that nothing is going on between the two of you? We have it on good authority that you two have been seen in public in very intimate embraces and you arrived together. Charlotte, you're often spotted arriving to events wearing his shirts."
She shrugged. "The one thing a girl must always have is a sensible pair of heels and a comfy T-shirt."
"That's all?" They were really prying, and Charlotte was having fun toying with them. She could play this cat and mouse game all day. Hunter couldn't. He broke before she did.
"There is no one way to define us. She's my best friend, the one I fight with the most, the one that calls me on my bull, and also the one person I know I will never be able to live without."
"That sounds pretty real to me."
All the bravado flew out of the window, and Charlotte leaned to kiss him sweetly on the lips. A quick peck turned the panel into a frenzy. They'd been talking Royal Rumble and WrestleMania all morning, and when they finally got around to their personal lives, Hunter had grown exhausted. Charlotte had kept their linked hands under the table until she just couldn't hold back. She was sure her eyes had given her away long before now.
"There are rumors about a secret engagement. Any truth to this?"
Charlotte held her unadorned hand up, showing that she was not wearing a ring. "None. We're dating, we're best friends, we work together, but we're not at that stage in our relationship."
"Charlotte, did you really steal him from Stephanie McMahon?"
"I could never take something that wasn't hers. He is no one's property, and I resent the implication that either of us own the other. Hunter and I have one of the most organic connections, and I'd never reduce it to ownership."
"Charlotte is one of the most dynamic people I've ever known, and as I've said, there is no one way to label it. I just know I'm lucky to be in her presence. You guys are lucky you get to witness her talent, and I look forward to this next chapter with her at my side."
He gripped her hand tighter and she fought back tears.
"Well this concludes our segment with the newest power couple in the WWE, Charlotte Flair and Hunter Hearst Helmsley."
They stayed for a little while, took a few pictures and shook hands while fielding off the cuff inquiries digging deeper into their personal lives. They'd already said enough.
By the time they were finally able to get out of there, they were both worn out. Taking a minute in the hallway, Hunter grabbed her hand as she spoke.
"How did we do?"
"I think it went well. Not too telling and not too evasive."
"Whatever happened to deflection?"
"Well, you wanted to do that, to try and give us as much privacy as we could get, but I realized if we kept denying it they would only dig deeper. Besides, we have nothing to hide. Not anymore. People see us out together and we don't exactly do subtle very well."
"No we don't." He gave her a half smile as she agreed. "What?"
"I just thought about how much fun we're going to have. I love it that I get to work this closely with you and that I don't have to hide how I feel."
"It's much more fulfilling knowing that whenever either of us does something amazing the other will be there cheering. Do you think Vince will be satisfied with this panel? I feel like we talked about the events and upcoming things a lot before we got ambushed."
"We always knew they were going to get around to the marriage and scandal. You handled it beautifully. You also handled that engagement question with ease as well."
"Where do they get these theories?"
"Well our storyline did call for it once. It's safe to say the topic could come up again."
"But what if I get to be the one who proposes? You know, since I'm so dynamic."
"I'm sure The Game would be honored, but he'd have to decline."
"Why? Does he think he's too good for The Queen?"
"Quite the opposite. The Queen deserves pomp and something lavish. He wouldn't feel like it was fair to have her on her knee. You see," he got on his knee. "He'd take her hand like this." He grabbed her hand. "Give it a kiss." He kissed her. "And he'd look into those beautiful green eyes, and it would be public because he's a flashy guy, but he'd say Charlotte, marry me and the ring would be enormous because you're a queen and because I'm so deeply and unapologetically in love with you."
"You, huh? Are we still talking about The Game?"
"We're one in the same and if he loves you—even underneath all that selfishness and desire imagine the love I must feel. But we know The Game is not one to wait, so he'd expect your answer promptly. So you'd say—"
"Yes, of course."
She was laughing at his silliness until she looked up to see a slew of reporters snapping pictures.
"Oh, no. Hunter, get up."
"What?" He looked back and hopped to his feet. "Uh, we have to go."
He pulled her past the reporters calling their names asking for more quotes. He was able to get them into their rental before all hell broke loose. He started the car up and pulled out of the parking lot, making sure to pay close attention to the road.
"Maybe we should have played out our little scenario elsewhere," he attempted a joke.
"My dad is going to freak out. He might kill you, Hunter."
"Well he's going to know it's all fake. I'd never ask you to marry me without checking with him and your mother first."
"They have you on your knee asking me to marry you and me agreeing. Even if it's fake they're going to make it seem real. They've done it with everything else."
"Well then I'll call your parents. I'll have that talk with them before any story can break."
"You would do that? I mean, I know you and my dad have this thing, but it doesn't really extend to us dating. When it comes to us, you might as well be a stranger to him. I have no idea how he can separate the two."
"I imagine if I had a daughter I'd be the same way. No man would be good enough and I'd probably never trust anyone."
"He trusts you in every other area but that."
He leaned over, giving her a gentle kiss. "I'm sleeping with his daughter. I don't care how old you are, no father will ever be comfortable with that. And besides, your father and mother know all about your marriage phobia."
"I'm not phobic. I just get freaked out a little."
"A lot," he corrected.
"I know, but before now I never had a reason to think about marriage realistically. I never felt compelled with anyone else." She'd said too much. She knew he wanted marriage and kids, he'd told her he wanted it with her, but she wasn't sure if it was a literal thing or just him flailing because they were apart.
"You feel compelled? Like if you were asked you wouldn't run for the nearest exit?"
"I wouldn't run. But that doesn't matter right now. We're not getting married anytime soon. Or I mean if we ever decided to do that it wouldn't be soon."
She was fumbling everything. "I know what you meant." He started the car, apparently amused by her. "We're enjoying our lives right now. We just got back together and the test drive is still going."
"Way to make me sound like a worn out car. That takes all the romance away."
"Baby, you'd be like a car on the showroom floor. No one has ever owned it, but everyone wants it. It has the lowest mileage out of anything on the lot and I'd be dying to put the miles on all by myself."
"Can you stop it with the car analogies?"
"I'm just saying you haven't given your heart to many people—or your body—and the fact that I get both makes me feel special. I probably explained it all wrong before."
"No, it was spot on except one thing—well two—I've never given my heart to anyone but you. You have the entire thing that isn't already with my family and friends, and as far as mileage I've racked up a lot with you."
"I love it that I'm the only one you've ever loved. I've loved people as friends and thought it was more, but I've never been in love before you. And as far as the mileage we've earned every bit of that. I've never been more miserable in my life than I was those two months without even cranking up a car."
"Nothing? Cold turkey?"
"Nothing. I couldn't even—wait, why am I admitting this?"
"Because you want me to take pity on your soul and give you a ride tonight."
"Well in that case, I couldn't even walk up to the car without bursting into tears. It was all too much."
"Yeah, okay. I'll toss you a pity ride because I'm generous, but your storytelling could use some work. Wasn't convincing."
He shrugged. "It got me a guaranteed ride, so I'm fine with it."
"Who's to say I wasn't already planning it?"
"I'll be sure to tell your dad that I didn't propose but rides aren't off the table."
"And he'd castrate you."
"You're probably right."
She saw him fiddling with his phone and took it from his hands. She hit the talk button to call her dad and heard it ring a few times before he answered. Upon hearing his voice, she put him on speaker.
"Dad, there is no easy way to say this, but Hunter proposed."
"He what?"
She saw the look on Hunter's face and chuckled. "That's what headlines are going to read, but it's not true."
"Not if you're calling from his phone. I'd think you'd be halfway to Canada if that was true."
She hated the smirk that formed on Hunter's face. He'd been right.
"I'm not afraid of marriage."
"It's not a bad thing. It just means that if anyone ever gets you to say yes it's more than likely going to last forever. You're careful in areas I haven't always been. And why are you telling me this? Shouldn't Hunter have called?"
"He's here, he offered. I took the phone away from him because you're my dad. In all other areas you trust Hunter. You've always trusted him with me until we fell in love. I don't get your animosity. You weren't this bad with other guys I dated."
"The others didn't have the potential to steal my little girl away. Hunter is a threat because I know he's a good guy. I know he's going to be good to you, but he also takes my place as the person you turn to first. You don't need me for that anymore, and I don't know how to deal with it."
Charlotte bit down on her lip as the truth sank in. He was jealous. "Hunter is here, he is the person I share most things with and we're close, but my first call with any triumph or failure is to you. I'm going to always look to you for advice and I value everything you've instilled in me. But Hunter is the guy in my life. He's one of the good ones."
"I know." Ric sighed. "I can just tell it's different. It's going to take some getting use to."
"Take all the time that you need, but just know that as long as it's possible, Hunter is staying around."
"You're serious about him, aren't you?"
"Very." She looked at Hunter, running her hand down the side of his face. "I could easily let him stay around forever."
"Well then all I can do is get out of your way, right?"
"Maybe you could rough him up if he gets out of line."
"You can count on it." Ric laughed. "Listen, don't get any crazy thoughts about marriage and kids just yet. You have a long way to go."
She looked at Hunter. "Not just yet. Someday."
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too, dad. And when you start getting calls—"
"I'll tell them I never heard of him and they're making the whole thing up."
"You don't have to go that far."
"I know how to handle the press, sweetheart. I've been doing it all your life."
"Thank you."
"Be safe and call me soon."
"My very first call."
She hung up and Hunter gripped her hand. "See, he just misses you. That's all."
"I talk to him once a week." She shrugged.
"But how many times did you use to talk to him before us?"
"Almost every day."
"Well realistically I can't call him daily."
"No, just when the big stuff happens. You also went years without telling him what happened with Mickey. He's always going to worry because he's your dad. And he's going to be super vigilant from here on out because he missed something he feels like he should have caught. I understand. I'm the guy right after, so he's going to be hard on me. It doesn't matter that he's known me forever, you're his daughter."
"I get it. I know his paranoia is partly my fault, but he has to know you would never lay a hand on me."
"I'll lay hands just never aggressively—unless you ask me to, of course."
"I wouldn't ask, I'd demand."
"That's my girl."
"Queen," she corrected.
"Oh, yes. That's my queen."
They pulled off of the main road they were driving down and onto one lined with cabins. Charlotte looked at Hunter questioningly. "Where are we going? I thought you said you wanted to go on a date."
"Dates don't always have to be in public—or alone for that matter. It's more of an extended date. Overnight even."
"That sounds vague and confusing." She chuckled. "As long as you're not springing my parents on me in a place where we have to be extra quiet when we want to have a little fun I'm okay."
"So you're never going to let that go, are you?"
"You tell me you love me and all I wanted was to be with you in every way and we had to be so quiet when all I wanted to do is scream. Do you know how hard that is?"
"I was there. I know exactly how hard it was to keep quiet with you waking me up that way."
"And then you wouldn't even touch me the night before. I had to practically take it that morning. I gave you no choice."
"That you did."
"I used to think about that day so much when we were apart. It was so perfect."
"It was a special day. The biggest part for me was knowing that I really meant every word I said to you. I'd never felt that way for any woman or been that open."
"I was freaking out."
"I know you were, but once I told you I loved you too, you calmed down, and here we are."
"Where are we?" She looked around the snowy yard as they pulled into it, heading toward an enormous log cabin.
He parked the car and tilted her head toward his. "We're somewhere between madly in love and dying to christen our vacation before our other guests arrive."
"Friends, not your dad."
She grinned. "Hunter, you're planning group trips? I thought that wasn't your thing."
"You need your friends around you during tough times."
"My friends?"
"Our friends and Adam."
She was surprised he'd been invited. "You really love me, don't you?" She ran her knuckles down his cheek.
"I do. And I know he's your friend. Regardless of my feelings about him, he's been there for you even when I couldn't be. I can be civil for you."
Her heart had never been so full. He was serious about doing things differently, he showed her with each passing day. "You gonna show me inside or am I going to have to thank you in the car?"
"You could thank me anywhere you'd like, Love, but I think you would be more comfortable inside. I had them reserve us the best room, and no one should be here for hours."
"Then take me inside."
He'd taken her inside and the minute the door closed they fell in sync. She jumped into his arms as he attacked her neck. He began stripping her, dropping her clothes in a trail. She'd unbuckled his pants and danced her fingers over him. It drove him crazy.
She didn't stand a chance as he dropped her to the bed, making sweet love to her neck with his tongue as he thrust inside her waiting body. She was face down in the pillows when he covered her, sliding his hands up to lace their fingers. She tried to give as much as she got, but he was much stronger. Her high pitched chants drove him, her quivering pelvis fed him, her breathless declarations that she would love him forever forced him to flip her over.
She'd stared at men before while they were intimate, but never quite felt what she had staring at Hunter in this moment. He loved her more than anything. His brown eyes said it all. Gripping her fingers through his hair, she exhaled, knowing nothing could be more perfect.
"Are you happy, baby?"
"It's the best date ever, Hunter."
He laughed, lifting her hand, kissing the inside of her palm. "You have this amazing way of always getting sex before the date is actually over."
"Desert before dinner. You know I'm impatient."
"Didn't say that I minded. I'll never grow tired of you wanting me the way you do. It's not half as much as I want you." He meant it.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer and he held her tightly. "Stop talking and love me."
"I can talk and still love you too. I'm good at multitasking that way."
His hips shifted and she felt it deep in her core. He induced a glorious moan and her arms locked tighter around him. He went into overdrive when her eyes clamped shut.
"Hunter." She was panting.
"Louder." She could tell he wanted her climbing the walls. His thrusts were much rougher than normal and her legs felt like jello under his touch. She loved it.
"Hunter, oh God." He'd hit a different angle and left her spineless. Smacking the side of her thigh he went deeper. "Hunter!" Her voice echoed off the walls and thudded in her ears. She was outward and inwardly screaming his name and clawing at his back as he drove into her so hard she slid into the headboard. He slid his fingers over her lips and she sucked them into her mouth running her tongue over them as he gave her round after round of hard indulgent strokes.
"That's it. Now tell me what you want next. I have a few hours."
He was going to be the death of her. A mindless, glorious, pleasure filled death.

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