Bring Your Kid to Work Day

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The young Beta with long blonde hair came out of Levi Ackerman's office in tears. She was not ashamed of crying silently while she cleared her desk and packed her things.

Everyone knew that one day, they could end up like her if they don't do their jobs right.

"There goes Lucy..." Petra sighed as she watched the girl leave with her head down.

"That midget is a tyrant!" Olou whispered-shout as he looked back at the boss's office, making sure he wasn't heard.

"This is a nightmare." Another said.

The whole floor buzzed with fear and sorrow for Lucy and their future. Reckon was one of the few fair and high paying companies. They hire anyone, instead of dynamic they looked into your skills and intellect. They gave raise to those who deserved and the right amount of pay for everyone. They value their employees but also value work. Deadlines were fixed and one must do their best if they want to remain. And most of all, no slacking and no littering.

Erwin Smith, the charming Alphan president that was loved by all. But despite his nice smiles and words, he could also be as cold as The Devil: Levi Ackerman.

Levi Ackerman, the devil himself. He never failed to check everyone with his piercing gaze that could cut through ice, he could spot an error in a 200-page report and a spec of dust on the corner. Despite his short height, everyone cowered from him for he never hesitated to fire anyone. He was ruthless, cold, vicious, in short- the Devil of Reckon.

"Shush! Stop it! Everyone! Before he'll bust out of those doors and fire us all!" Eld stood from his cubicle and scolded everyone before the buzzing continued.

Petra sighed and looked back at her computer. Her eyes glance at the calendar, checking the deadlines when she realized the event for tomorrow. Her eyes widen. "Oh no!"

"What the- I said quiet!" Eld perked up from his cubicle.

With all the ruckus, everyone stopped working and looked over the Petra, curious to what the strawberry blonde Omega said.

"Tomorrow is 'Bring your kid to Work'." Petra's breath hitched.

"It's tomorrow?!" Another employee said in a panic.

Bring your Kid to Work Day was the most feared event of the year due to Mr. Ackerman's dislike towards children. Every parent were begging for their child to behave and be neat in the office to prevent summoning the devil from his chambers.

But kids were kids! They shout, cry and make a mess. Yes, the company provided a safe playground in the building where they could play while their parents work but some kids wanted to be with their mommies and daddies. Just like Petra's kid.

Eld scolded everyone once again. The buzzing stopped and everyone went back to work with a heavy thought about tomorrow's event.

Petra forced herself back to work mode but she couldn't help but overthink what would happen tomorrow. Her little girl tend to scream while running around, last year, she bumped into Mr. Ackerman and holy fudge Petra felt like fainting. Mr. Ackerman glared at her and Petra thought it was the end of her career because the shorter Alpha was still glaring daggers at her even after her precious girl apologized to him. Now, Petra feared that the situation would happen again because her little Vina was big enough to knock off Mr. Ackerman if the girl bumped into him again.

Oh, Petra prayed that it won't. Though Mr. Ackerman never fired anyone on the spot just because their children were being children, still the fear was there.

Levi Ackerman was the devil after all.


The day has come.

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