Chapter sixteen

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You and bandit ran somewhere till bandit saw metal doors "Over there!" He said which you and him quickly ran and shut the doors, you guys were keeping it shut as Misha was banging on them hard.

After a couple minutes you both back up from the door and looked around.

"what is this place?" He asked.

"I don't know, I haven't seen this side of the mansion before!" You said and walked over to a shelf of boxes.

"Six!, do you read?" Bandit looked down on his belt to see his radio is damage "fuck!".

You were busy looking through files, you closed your eyes once you saw yours.

Bandit walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

"I was only 5 years old...." you said softly as you open your file to see your younger self "I was so scared".

Bandit reached for your file and took it from you and began reading it.

"I hardly know my mother and father.... I don't remember their faces" you looked up at him.

"Subject (Y/n), Age 5, learns faster then the other children" he said "by the time she was 11 she killed her very first enemy, at 15 she went to go see the female Doc get ....her ....." bandit stopped and looked at you to see you tearing up.

"Everyone female is forced" you said "father didn't want the females to have babies and get attached to them".

"Babe....." he said softly as he kneeled down and wrapped his arms around you as you burst out in tears.

After a while you wiped your tears away and stood up "six, has anyone found Sasha yet?..... Six??.... Timur.... anyone??" You said.

"Whatever this place is, it's not letting us radio out" bandit said as he walked up to some computers.

you walked up beside him and began typing away, that's when lights turned on making you and bandit look up.

Your heart dropped when you saw Sasha tied to a chair "Sasha!" You said.

You quickly walked around the computers and banged on the window "SASHA!".

"(Y/n) over here!" Bandit said as he burst through the door.

You quickly walked into the room, kneeled down and cups Sasha face "Sasha?", you saw him weakly open his eyes, you smiled big as your wrapped your arms around his neck "you'll be ok, we got you!".

You quickly pulled out your knife and cut the ropes as bandit helped Sasha up and began walking with him.

You got distracted by something in the top right corner of the room.

"M...Mi-sha?" He asked.

"We'll deal with him later!" Bandit said.

Next thing you knew the doors closed behind bandit "BABE!" He said as he sat Sasha down and tried to open the door.

"What the hell?" You said as you banged on the window "what is going on?".

Bandit wake over to the computer which has your heartbeat, plus, breathing, your file and body "the computer is showing your vitals!!".

"What!!! why?" You asked.

"I don't know" he said as he began typing.

"C...Chamber" Sasha said weakly.

"What kind of chamber?" Bandit said as he walked up to him and kneels down.

"I..... don't.... know...." he said softly "father .... Misha... were the only..... ones to .... go in....".

Bandit stood up and turned to you to see you looking worried "what is this!?".

"A chamber .... I don't know what still" he said as he began looking around.

After a Bit, Bandit was noticing your breathing, he was keeping a close on eye on you.

"Dom.... wheres doc?" You asked softly.

"Why?" he asked.

"It's getting hot and stuffy" you said as you grab the chair and pull it to the corner of the room and sat in it, that when you rested your head on the glass "I'm tired....I feel.... so .....".

"Hey hey hey baby look at me!" Bandit knocked on the glass "Doc and the rest of the gang will be here!".

Soon Doc, Jager, Glaz, Lion, Finka and Dokkaebi entire the room.

"(y/n)!" Doc said as he walked over the the glass "is she alright?" He asked bandit.

"I don't know, she's having a hard time breathing in there!".

"Doc...." you weakly lifted your head to see him "what ... is in this.... chamber??".

"Grace!" Doc looked at dokkaebi who was already hacking into the computer.

"How are you feeling baby sis?" Glaz asked.

You smiled weakly "just tired...".

"Doc come look at this!" Dokkaebi said as Doc and lion walked over to her.

"Is that?" Lion looked at doc.

"It's can't be!" Doc looked back at you "get away from the glass, Everyone!".

Glaz and bandit backed up and looked at doc "What's wrong?" Glaz asked.

"She's contaminated" he said as he radioed for people.

"What do you mean contaminated?" Glaz raised an eyebrow.

"Remember back in that one mission to save Jager?!" Doc looked at Glaz.


"Whatever is in that container is the same shit that Jager and lion had to go through" doc said.

"How long has she been in there?" Lion asked.

"About 15 minutes" bandit looked at him.

"We gotta get her outta there now!".

"Not without protection Oliver!" Doc looked at him.

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