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It was December. The hottest month of the year in Australia.

We were running down the beach, just Dani and I. Spashing in the water, making the worse sandcastles, buring each other in the sand with our heads poking out, pulling each other out of the sand and doing it all over again. We cooled off under a tree, which was on a grassy little ledge on the end of the beach, our favourite place to sit, relax and talk about about our seperate lives.

When we were younger, we were the best of friends. Went to the same school and had the best time together. Life sounded perfect, though, there was a catch. Our parents hated each other, from the day they met. I don't know what it was but it was like they were both same poled magnets. They were made to hate each other. No matter how hard you try to make them attract,

it just wouldn't work.

It was the first time Dani was in the same class as me. We were put into groups and in the groups we had to introduce each other. In those group, we were also put into pairs. I was with Dani. It started off with an awkward hi. The more we talked, the more we got to know each other, the more we started to enjoy each other's company. Before we knew it, we were best friends. One day, my mum saw me playing with her. We went over to her and I introduced her to my new friend. Later that day, when I went home, my mum asked me about my day. Then she talked about the friend of mine. She said she's not so sure about Dani, there's something about her that she doesn't like. But then she said just for me to have a good time at school and it good to have friends, they have to be ones.

Near the end of primary, Dani wanted to come over to my house. Weeks later she came unexpectly when i was watching T.V one saturday. I could hear her shouting my name downstairs. My mum called out that my friend was here. By the time Dani went home, my whole house was trashed. This was because of her looking threw all the cupboards when my mum asked her what she wanted to eat. Then upstairs, she looked threw all my stuff, amazed by all the things i had. I mean my room was messy enough but then Dani came along and destroyed my room.

From that day on she was not allowed to set foot on my house ever again.

But now as we are older, we met up regularly and nothing stopped us from seeing each other.

We spent hours talking and didn't realise that the sun had turned into a moon, that the birds turned into bats and that day turned into night. But we didn't care. In fact, we decided to play 'tips' in the dark just like we did when we were kids, but what was better was that we couldn't see each other which made it all the more fun. Luckly there was a lamp post, giving us some vision of the beach.

As Dani went to count, I went off hiding under a ditch in the sand...

That was the last time i saw her...

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