Unlucky I'm In Love With My Best Friend

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Girl's POV

It all started in junior year. Even if he's a popular dude, he didn't feel like he had a true friend. Like everyone around him is faking a friendship because of his status thus, he felt lonely.

On the other hand, I am that kind of girl who wants everyone to smile. Yes, I have friends but they come and go after some time thus, I felt lonely.

That's where we clicked. We both felt that way.

While putting my earphones on, I passed a room.

This is where it all happened.

When I saw him sitting at the corner, I never wanted to see someone that depressed so I sat beside him and asked him why he was sad. But instead of giving me answer, he asked me the same question. I said I was feeling lonely and he said the same.

I smiled at the memory.

Now that we are in our senior year, a graduating student, I, again, felt lonely. He already had new best friends who were way cooler than me. Well, I am not beautiful. I am not smart. And definitely too low for him. You see, he's a popular kid. I'm just an outcast. Being lonely was the only thing we had in common.

Whenever I think of him, my brain tells me to move on.

But... Oh, fuck it. I can't even get him out of my brain.

I turned my iPod on and it played the song I hate to love.

Do you hear me?

I'm talking to you

Across the water

Across the deep, blue ocean

Under the open sky

Oh my baby I'm trying

I can still remember his voice. The way he sang that verse. The way he smiled at me while singing our favorite song. The way he talked to me with that special glint of his eyes that only me knows he had.

I shook my head.

I can't even delete this song from my playlist.

Boy I hear you

In my dreams

I feel you whisper

Across the sea

Keep you with me

In my heart

You make it easier

When life gets hard

I miss singing this song with him. We even went to his mini studio and recorded our voices. Yes. I still got the file. But I don't know if he still does too.

I walked through our lockers and saw him flirting with a freshman. I increased my iPod's volume to blast so I can't hear their conversation.

The jealousy that I shouldn't be feeling is starting to flow in my veins again. I wanted to shout at him. Why did he make me feel special if he'll just leave me hanging like how everyone else did?

I saw him smile at the girl with that glint in his eyes that I thought he only gave to me. Well, I thought wrong.

When I opened my locker, I saw a red card.

Another red card? This is the fourth time.

I didn't even do anything!

In our school, there were people labeled as bad boys. If you get to annoy them to hell, they'll give you a red card and every time someone gets a red card, expect that they'll have a hell day.

Unlucky I'm In Love With My Best Friend (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now