Let's get things....Straight.
So some of you may ask, what's a chest binder?
It's technically a 'tool' use to flatten your chest.
Some of you may use a binder(s), I have used one, though a member of my family found out. They then told my mom who threw them away..The binder(s) were a gift from my half/step family. From a really expensive company 0.0
And I'd feel bad to ask of them to help me get a new one.You see....I mostly have male days them female ones, and on my N/B days I would have worn my binder. Now some ppl have recommended to wear baggy shirts of my male and N/B days but my chest is still noticeable. And my mom is the one who buys all my clothes 🤧
Oh! Right. I was born a girl so I have a uh chest...
Just-Just look at how damm expensive these things are.28. Flipping bucks...
35.00 bucks....
And this is apparently where they got me my binder(s). 3 of them....$129.00 bucks or soo....
Sigh. I really REALLY want another one but I'm technically broke! Uhgggggggggggg!!!!!
And my parents would never buy me one or two!!
Question!-Any of you where a binder(s)? If so where you get them from?