Doubt and Reassurance (Thomas, Minho, and Gally)

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It was about mid-afternoon when Thomas decided to take his short hike away from the Safe Haven. His wound still faintly hurt as he trekked up a particularly grassy hill not too far from his tent. For some reason, looking at the huge memorial stone on his way to breakfast made just want to be alone for a little while to think. About what exactly, Thomas couldn't tell at the moment. 

Settling on the very top, the view was serene. The waves gently crashing against the sandy shore as seagulls and immunes alike went about their day created a true feeling of calmness that admittedly scared  Thomas a bit. It turned more and more into anxiety that WICKED could still be out there. Plotting. Planning. Perhaps of a way to capture them and turn them over once again to the Mazes with no memory of how they'd gotten there or who sent them there. His memories of being in the Box returned to him, the familiar string of confusion and terror causing a strong ache in his chest. The loss of Alby. Ben. Chuck. Newt. Every other Glader lost before he entered the Maze and every Glader that Thomas couldn't name afterward. Teresa. The emotions culminated in what felt like a spinning yarn ball of nausea. 

 As much as he'd hate to say it, he'd kill Newt and see Chuck die all over again if it meant not being WICKED's lab rat for another round. He was glad there weren't many mirrors around the Safe Haven. Another glimpse of the tattoo from before the Scorch and Thomas will probably just find a way to obscure it with a bunch of cleverly placed scars or bandanas. 

Sometime during his mental parade of doubt, Minho had joined him, laying on the grass next to him. He was looking comfy as a king, lying as he soaked up the plentiful rays of the Sun with a smile on his face and his eyes closed. Thomas' fears subsided if only for a moment, happy to see Minho in such high spirits for the first time in what felt like forever. The wind swayed gently, providing a cozy breeze for the warm, sunny day. 

"Hey, Minho?"

Minho opened an eye, answering "Yeah?"

"Do you ever..." Thomas hesitated. "Do you ever wonder if we're really and truly free from WICKED?"

Minho let out a weak chuckle, sitting up "Only all the time!" 

Thomas looked from Minho to the village of tents they'd resided in. The crowds of other kids mixed with a fair amount of adults were spread about, some hanging about by the fire pit, some having a splash fight in the sea, others doing their designated jobs or even building sandcastles. Amid the crashing waves, and squawking seagulls, Thomas was delighted to hear sounds of a happy life. Laughing, cheering, a strong sense of comradery. It felt like a real home that he's just gotten to fully experience. 

"Ever thought about them taking us back there?" 

Minho's smile faded as he quickly shook his head. "Too many times, Tommy boy. Too many times."  A dreadful thought indeed. 

Thomas began to ask another question when another uninvited visitor -- Gally -- joined beside them. 

"What's up with this glum fest, Greenie?" 

Thomas only answered with a glare. 

"Sorry, Thomas." Gally also took to staring at the village the hill overlooked, the same anxieties plaguing him as the rest. Their losses now would be too great to bear if anything happened to them. Too many deaths and sacrifices that would be wasted. 

"What if they tried to take us back?" Thomas asked, only realizing how obvious the answer was after the fact. 

"Then we do the same thing we always do, you shank!" Minho said, slapping him on the back of the head.

"Ow!" Thomas reflexively hit him back, starting to laugh. Then began a small wrestling match that mostly consisted of tackles and controlled punches, all the while laughing the hardest since they can remember.  Gally only sat by and watched, only joining in on the laughing. After they stopped and finally settled down, Gally gave Thomas his easy answer.

"We fight back. And we fight back twice as hard as before."  He smiled and slapped Thomas on the back. 

"Amen to that, brother!" Minho cheered, playfully punching him the shoulder. 

Thomas' demeanor lightened with Minho's remark. While his time alone had been ruined, he was settled, for now, sure that he would fight tooth and nail against WICKED again if it came down to it. Though he was confident it'd be like that for the rest of his life. 

Minho sniffed the air, smiling at the strong scent of hot Tomato soup. 

"Ooh, I need me some of Frypan's cooking! What about you two?" 

Gally and Thomas both nodded, already rushing ahead of Minho who quickly passed both of them before the halfway point. 
"Suckers!" he laughed. 

Thomas took it as a challenge and quickly sped up, Gally in tow. It kind of reminded him of his first days in the Maze, when he trained and trained with Minho until dinnertime at the Homestead. He shook the thought of the Glade and the Maze, trying his hardest to focus on the present. Call him crazy, but Thomas wasn't going to be one to dwell on the past as commonly anymore, and he wanted to keep it that way. 

The End


A/N: Hey guys!  I hope y'all liked this! I feel like these three could potentially have a nice post-series trio developed so, I will probably write more about them in the future if you guys are okay with it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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