Chapter Two

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          The next morning I woke up sore and unmotivated. My maid was hurriedly pacing the length of my room, gathering misplaced objects and tidying the many shelves lining the tall peach colored walls. She glanced over at me as I sat up, turning her attention from her work to my unkempt self.

          "The queen would like to speak with you, your royal highness." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice. I sighed and nodded, signaling her to leave. Quickly throwing on some clothes, I darted for the door and down the stairs as I was met with the same scowls of disapproval my parents display every morning as I walk down the stairs.

          "Why haven't you met with your hair stylist or your seamstress yet? They'll be here any minute. You look awful!" My mother crowed, looking me up and down.

          "Why, what's wrong with what I have on now? Also who is 'they'?" My mother shook her head, shoving a hand mirror my way. I shrugged as I saw my reflection. My auburn hair was tangled and matted, left unbrushed for a few days. My eyes were sunken in, dark circles framed them, signaling a lack of restful sleep.

          "Go," my mother scolded, pointing down the hall.

          I had no say in what I could wear when special people decided to drop by unexpectedly. My mother insisted she had told me dozens of times that our 'special guests' were coming this week, however I don't recall a single time she reminded me.

          I was escorted to a room down one of the long hallways. Two of the maids rushed to pull back the long curtains from the window to let the light in. A couple of small fairies fluttered around the many shelves cluttering the walls, collecting things they'd need to 'fix me up'. I sat pouting in the over sized plush chair as a couple of combs and brushes made their way through my messy hair, pulling somewhat forcefully to get rid of all the knots. The hairdresser was sitting in a smaller, yet still as plush looking chair in the corner looking through a bunch of different baskets. The couple of fairies were working the combs through my wavy hair as the lady in the corner laughed triumphantly, holding up a medium sized clip in her long, blue fingernails. My hair was slowly worked into a curly bun at the side of my head, the clip set on the other side. I turned to look in the mirror and admired the silver accessory. It was in the shape of a crescent moon, a few fine chains hung close below, holding a few different sized stars.

          My face was cleaned up, and a small amount of makeup was applied around my eyes and cheeks, then I was handed my dress. The seamstress helped me into a corset, the five fairies, hairdresser, and two maids helped me into the tight dress.

          I spun around, admiring myself in the full length mirror hanging against the wall. The ocean blue fabric was generously dusted with a soft silver sparkle that caught the rays of the sun cascading through the window. It had a sweetheart neckline and the shoulders were decorated with black mesh, along with most of the bodice and waist. The sleeves were long, and extended well past my hands with fancy silk. I looked stunning, however I felt sick. I hate overdressing, or just dressing up in general.

          I was pushed out into the foyer with my family who had been waiting for me. I was greeted by another group of familiar faces however. They were the people who were coming for a visit, but I didn't know it was the royal family from the kingdom of Calbridge.

          "Oh, Katrina. Sit down, we've just started lunch," my father boomed from the head of the table. I could feel an unwanted pair of eyes watch me walk, and take my place at the table. I didn't pay attention though, as that's what the wandering eyes wanted.

          The lunch itself was pretty boring, just my parents talking to everyone while I had to practice my table manners and etiquette while the boys did whatever they wanted. After lunch my father dismissed everyone, and I tried to sneak off unnoticed, but my mother stopped me. She turned me around and pointed in the other direction, motioning to the same pair of wandering eyes that watched me eat my meal. I sighed and watched as he pranced over, his blonde hair bounced a little bit.

          "Kat," he bowed a little, flashing his bright smile.

          "Maximilian," I said indifferently.

            He chuckled a little, "Oh, please, call me Max."

          "Oh, then you can call me Katrina."

           Max rubbed his arm awkwardly, shuffling his feet a little bit, off put by my cold greeting.

          "Uhh, y- you look lovely today."

          "Today," I scoffed, turning on my heels before being stopped again by my mother.

          "No, no, no. Go talk to him," she scolded.

          "Why, I told you guys I don't like him, remember?"

          "Well, your father and I, along with his parents, have got to talking. We both agree it would be beneficial to both parties if you two got to know each other a little better," she whispered, pulling me aside.

          I stood there in disbelief. I looked at my mother, then at Max, then back at her. She seemed somewhat annoyed at the way I treated him, however I couldn't take her seriously. A small laugh slipped from my mouth.

          My mother gasped, "Missy, we're not joking, and it's not a choice either. Go. Talk. Now."

          I always feel like my family purposefully does stuff like this just to meddle with my life. Out of all the princes they could have picked to make me marry, they chose Maximilian. He seems charming and nice on the outside, but on the inside is another story. I've had the privilege to 'get to know him' before. I actually really liked him at one point, however, his personality changed that for me. He flirts with every girl he sees, and he's super demanding and can't stand women who act masculine, or do anything of the sort. We were hanging out once and I was just being my normal rambunctious self. I declared that we go out for a walk, and I decided to bring one of my father's swords with me. After he saw me with the scabbard on my hip, he turned and ripped it from my waist.

          "That's not how a princess is supposed to act. The man is supposed to protect their lady." He tossed the whole thing to the ground, scolding me.

          Now of course when I went to report what had happened to my family, they took Max's side instead of mine, even going as far as turning it into a lesson for me saying I should be more ladylike.

          There were many more instances of this, but stuff like that really gets on my nerves. I feel like I am forced to be someone I'm not, which to me seems very unfair. Yet my brothers can do basically whatever.

          I talked to Max for a good while through gritted teeth before his family decided it was time to leave. I let out a long sigh of relief as his family paraded out the large front doors. I turned to my mother and gave her the biggest, most genuine looking smile I could muster, and asked as sweetly as possible.

          "Mother, may I please be excused?"

          She sighed, shooing me away. Finally I could take this horrible dress off. I ran to my room, not caring if my mother was going to critique the way I sprinted up the stairs, or how I didn't hold the railing correctly. I slammed my bedroom door, sliding down the cold wooden surface. I let out another loud sigh. Running to the mirror, I unpinned my hair and tossed my shoes off onto the floor. I struggled with my dress and corset for about fifteen minutes before I was able to successfully remove it, discarding it on the cold wood of my bedroom floor.

          The sun gleamed, reflecting its deep purples and bright reds on the burnished wood as it slowly set over the mountains in the distance. Where did the day go?

          My plan was to go back to the village tomorrow, but I had to find those clothes first. My cleaning lady snatched them from the chair in the corner of my room this morning and I don't have a clue where they are now, and it's not like I can really ask. I needed to figure out what that beast was in the forest, and what else might be lurking deeper in the brush of that mysterious place. 

          I climbed into bed and pulled the covers around me. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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