Chapter 3

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Warning: This character contains a slight mention of blood, it's not too too bad, but I just wanted to make sure you guys were aware that it's there.

He was back in the alcove. He didn't understand. Hadn't Michael saved him? Hadn't Michael found him and taken him home? Why was he here again? What did he do? He heard footsteps to his left and looked up, hoping that it would be Michael or someone familiar, but he was in for a surprise. 

"Momma?" He asked as he saw a woman walking towards him. 

"Hey baby, why don't we go home?" She asked setting a hand on his forehead. 

He leaped up in excitement. Maybe he had just dreamt that Michael had come and found him? After all, if he had, then he wouldn't be here right now and his momma wouldn't have found him, right? 

Just as he reached his hand out to grab his mother's, he felt something drip on his head. He would have ignored it, but then he felt another drop on his head. He reached his hand up to his head but when he pulled it away, all he saw was something red. 

"Momma?" He asked getting scared as he wiped off the red onto his pants. He looked up, expecting to see a comforting face, only to scramble back as soon as he saw her face. 

She had great, big, bloody marks going down her face. Her eyes were entirely black, not even the whites showed. Her horns had something red dripping from them as well and she was looking at him with the most terrifying expression. 

Seeing that face, Devin felt true fear as he started to scream. 

Suddenly, he wasn't in the alcove anymore. He was still let out a scream as that was terrifying, but around him now he could see dim lights and underneath him were some soft bedsheets. He wrapped his wings around himself as he started to cry

It had been so real. Even his moth- he cried even harder as he thought about his mother's face. What even was that? He didn't even register someone come into the room until he felt a tap on one of his wings. 

Peering over the wing, his eyes widened as he saw Michael. The man who had saved him unlike... The tears started to flow even harder than before and, taking his chances, he leaped into Michael's arms and hugged him tightly as he continued to sob into his arms. 

He could hear Michael whispering something to him but he couldn't hear him over the sound of his own sobs. He cried and cried and cried. Before he felt himself start to be swayed back and forth. While he was still sobbing, this rocking motion was very soothing for his five year old little body.

And while he didn't quite fall asleep, after a bit of being rocked like this, his sobs slowly subsided until he was only sniffling into Michael's arms as the man continued to rock him and hum gently. He didn't know what it was, but something about Michael just gave him a soothing feeling, almost as if nothing could hurt him while he was being held by him. 

It was strange but... it felt like when he was being held by his mother. 


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