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It's night time and Skylar is sitting on her bed doing her homework. She then get a call from Liam thankfully her sister let her have her phone back. "It's 9:30 Liam and I'm grounded what do you want?!" She whisper yells. "Look I know your grounded but Hayden she's a chimera I'm at Scott's and she's freaking out! Your close by I need your help!" He pleads.

She groans. "Why would she listen to me?" She asks. "Your a female... please Skylar!" He begs. "I'm literally about to hop out my window if I die I'm haunting you for the rest of your life!" She says seriously. Liam chuckles a bit. "Deal!" He says before hanging up.

Skylar puts her phone I her purse, locks her door, turns the light out, and finally goes to the window and jumps out of it. She lands on the ground and falls she groans as she gets up and runs across the street and another block to get to Scott's house.


"Why didn't you call Scott?" She asks. "I did he said he's on his way!" Liam says pacing. "So I came over here for nothing when Scott was on his way?!" She asks again kinda mad. Liam looks at her and grabs her shoulders. "Noooo! You came by because your a good friend!" Liam says.

She groans and falls onto Scott's bed and lays there. "I'm here! Where is she?!" Scott says busting into the room. Scott and Stiles both are surprised to see Skylar in the room. "Thank god! She won't exit the bathroom!" Skylar says.

Scott goes over the the bathroom door and knocks on it. "Hayden? It's Scott. I know that you're scared, but we just... We want to help." He says. She says nothing and Scott turns to Liam and Skylar.

"I can hear her heart beating. She's really freaked out. What happened?" He asks the two. Skylar puts her hands up and then points at Liam.

"She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in. Then I called Skylar for help because she was close by." Liam explains.

"Why?" Stiles asks. Liam looks back at Stiles. "I don't know." Liam says. "She's definitely a Chimera?" Scott asks. Liam nods. "She said she heard a voice saying, 'Your condition improves.'" Liam says. Skylar makes a face. "That's totally not creepy at all." Skylar says with a bit of sarcasm.

"Hayden. This is Stiles. Your sister works for my dad down at the station. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us." Stiles says and nothing. Skylar decides to try again.

"Look Hayden! This Supernatural stuff is weird and hard to explain but we can explain it to you if you'd like? Just open up the door please!" Skylar asks but nothing happens.

Scott goes towards the door again. "We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden. And that kind of thing usually is better face-to-face. Listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open." Scott says.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us. But I just... I gotta know that you're okay in there." Scott says. Nothing happens so he prepares to break the door but the door cracks open.

Scott slowly pushes it open to reveal Hayden who is shifted. Eyes are gold, fangs are out, claws are out, and she's panting. "I believe you." She says.


It's now the next night and Scott, Lydia, Malia, Skylar, Parrish, Liam, and Hayden all discuss a plan to protect and save Hayden. They agreed at the high school would be best and in the boys locker room.

Skylar is loading up her gun as she finishes up she sits back against the losers to rest her eyes.


Skylar is awoken by the sound of waves rattling. She groans and grabs her gun and sees Liam holding chains. He looks toward Scott.

"What were you going to do with these?" Liam asks. Skylar sees Hayden besides her. "Brought them just in case." Scott says. Skylar frowns. "In case of what?" Liam asks. "In case we had a chance to catch one of them." Lydia says. That's when Skylar stands up.

"If we can't make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap." Scott tells Liam. "But Scott, they're coming for her, doesn't that mean she's the bait?" Skylar asks. Scott seems like he can't form any words as he looks between Liam, Hayden, and Skylar.

Liam locks his jaw and throws the chains back into the bag.

"Liam, we brought her here to protect her." Lydia says. "And now she's bait." Liam says. "Am I?" Hayden asks. "No. No one's bait." Scott says looking at her. "But we can't be bodyguards to everyone every night." Scott says looking at Skylar and Liam.

"Then why aren't we talking to Stiles' dad? Why aren't we doing something better than hiding in a school?" Skylar asks kinda annoyed by Scott's lying.

"Because we still don't know anything about them or what they want, okay? They're winning and we don't even know what the game is." Scott tells her. "What if they come in here and those things don't work? What if you have an asthma attack again? What are we gonna do?" Liam keeps asking.

"I don't know." Scott says thinking a bit. "Well I'm sorry Scott but this plan sucks!" Skylar says. Scott looks up at Skylar into her eyes this time. "You got a better one? Kids are dying! And she's next! So, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait!" He yells at her.

She looks at Liam and backs away from Scott. He feels a little bad seeing that she has tears in her eyes. Liam looks from Skylar to Scott.

"Scott. Promise me you'll do everything you can to save her." He asks him. Scott is at lost for words again. "Scott... Promise." Liam says. Scott looks hum in the eye. "I'll do everything I can. I promise." He tells him.

"Guys... I think I might need a little help right now. I forgot my pills. I have a bottle in my locker. I can get them, but-" Hayden is interrupted by Scott. "I'll get them." He says. "What's your combination?" He asks.


Scott leaves as Lydia watches the door. Liam is with Hayden again and Skylar decides to join them as they wait for Scott's return. Skylar still sitting against the lockers she turns her head and looks toward the door and sees that Lydia is gone. She slaps Liam. "What the he'll Sky!" He says.

"Sorry But Lydia's gone too!" She rushes out. The two stand up immediately after Skylar does. Liam is in front of the two girls using his supernatural hearing.

"Hayden, did you hear that?" He asks her. "They're here, aren't they?" She asks hearing it too. "What do you guys hear?!" Skylar asks. "Footsteps but they don't belong to Scott, Malia, or Lydia." Liam says. "Shit! They're in the school." Skylar says.

Liam steps out from behind the locker and moves closer to the door. "Scott? Lydia?" Liam calls out. On the other side of the door lights begin to flicker and then it opens to reveal a dread doctor. Liam immediately falls back to protect the girls.

"I don't think my bullets can kill that thing!" Skylar says afraid as it walks in a little to close to Liam. Soon after the one with the cane comes in followed by another. The three teens back up against a set a lockers side by side looking at all three afraid for their lives.

The one with the cane sees a black box that interferes with frequency's and knocks it down. It puts the cane on top of it and looks at the three teens. "We are on a frequency you can't possibly imagine." It tells them. It then raises the cane and breaks the box.


In an unknown location the dread doctors have Hayden on a table, Skylar knocked out with a hole in her arm bleeding out, and a slightly cautious Liam.

He looks to Skylar. "Sky wake up!" He yells. He then notices Hayden.

"Hayden." He calls for her. Then the dread doctors come around Hayden. One puts on their mask. "No, no, no. Don't... Don't hurt her! Hayden! Hayden!" Liam yells. The dread doctors comprehend what he's saying and repeats it as they experiment on her. "Hayden. Hayden. Hayden." They say together.


Obviously I slipped some episodes because Skylar is grounded and wasn't involved! This is Episode 7!! Hope you enjoyed.

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