Running Away (Willdip)

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(Thanks to ISOmetimeslikefanfic for the prompt!! sorry if this is bad, not alot of expeince with Writing Gravity falls stuff, hope ill get better)

Will falls from the portal onto the ground, landing with a soft thud
Will latches onto a tree branch, pulling himself up
"Ugh.....Where am I?"
He dusts himself off, looking around the forest

As he looks around, He feels a sharp pain in his ankle
He looks down at his twisted, probably broken ankle
He sighs and begins walking, Whimpering as he does
As Will walks around, He hears footsteps near him
Hoping this is from someone who might help him, He limps forwards, towards the footsteps

Dipper is walking around the forest, looking for some new things to write in his jornal when he hears footsteps coming closer to him
He looks around quickly before seeing a Blue, blurry figure a ways away
They look to be Limping, and in pain
So Dipper, wanting to be a hero, rushes over

"Hey, are you oka-"
Dipper yelps when he sees a Blue version of Bill standing before him
"Bill?? What The Hell?? Why are you here?? Arent you dead?? How did you-"
Will whimpers, His anxiety getting the better of him
He turns quickly (Hurting his ankle more) and Limps/Runs away

Dipper stands there in shock before relizing
And once this thought hits him, he runs after Will

Dipper runs after Will, but sadly, Will, even when hurt, is much faster
DIpper screams after Will, hoping to catch up

Luckily, todays his lucky day
But not so lucky for Will
Who falls on his twisted ankle, hitting the ground hard

Dipper runs over to Will
"Oh god!! Are you okay?? Im so sorry!! I thought you were someone else"
Will wimpers
"I-its okay, B-but my ankle....."
Dipper looks over at his ankle, seeing it completly twisted out of shape
"Alright, dont worry bud, Imma get you back to my house, and we'll clean you up, Okay?"
Will nods and Dipper helps him up, slowly but surley making their way back to the mystery shack

--------------------------Time Skip bc Im Lazy------------------------

Will and Dipper enter the Mystery shack, DIpper helps Will onto the couch before heading over to the Shop to get the First aid
After grabbing it, He walks back over to the couch and slowly starts wrapping the broken and twisted ankle in a tight cast
"So, Whats your name?"
"W-William, B-but i go by W-Will"
Dipper nods
"Okay, How did you twist your ankle?"
Will whimpers as Dipper tightens the cast
"I-its a long story"
Dipper chuckles
"Im all ears, whats up?"

--------------------After explaing bc im Lazzzzzzzzzzzzy---------------

"-A-and now im here"
Dipper nods as he finishes the cast
"You gonna be alright?"
Will nods
"T-thank you for your help"
Dipper smiles
"No problem! If you need anything, call me, Okay? Its late, So imma hit the sack-"
Dipper looks over
"Yeah? Need something?"
"C-can you stay? I-im scared...."
Dipper smiles
"Sure, ill stay"
Will gives a soft smile and Dipper lays down with him
"Thanks :3"
Dipper chuckles
"No problem, now get some rest, Okay"
Will nods and they both drift off too sleep peacefully

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