An NFL Thanksgiving

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The dream team gathered into a conference room. They all chatted while the coaches discussed where they would go for a win party for the game and what time they would meet back up at the hotel.

"How about Olive Garden?" Forest asked, getting a "No." From the rest of the boys. "How about we get ice cream?" One player said, "Maybe a bar?" Said another.

"How about," The loud, familiarly annoying voice of Evan Porter boomed. "We have a Thanksgiving meal like a football family!"


"Um," Mario raised an eyebrow. "He crazy?" He whispered to Brandon.

"Dunno, dude." He whispered back.

Coach Herman cleared his throat, "Uhm, well, actually I was thinking-"

"Great! Thanksgiving meal it is! I'll e-mail each of you what you need to bring. Meeting adjourned."

Herman raised an eyebrow as Porter walked out of the room. The rest of the staff and all the players did not move an inch. "What the-" Booker slapped his hand over Forest's mouth.


"This is going to be great!" Coach Porter exclaimed, a smile on his face. "Uh-huh..." Michael murmured in reply, "Um, Thanksgiving already happened a while ago, so... uh, how is this gonna go..?"

"The players can bring food! It can be hosted at the stadium in a conference room. It's gonna be fantabulous!" Evan responded in a sing-song tone. "We need to go get the turkey we're supplying."

"We're supplying a-"


"And who's pay-"

Porter had already hopped into a minivan at that point, engine roaring and ready to go. "Be back in a jiffy!"


Clark Alex Torrance: Offensive lineman, goofy, kind, hot headed, generous, tells corny jokes, extroverted, number 67


Practice time.

Everyone jogged over to the practice field, where everyone was waiting.
"Alright, time for practice, friends."

"Welcome, all!" Coach Porter exclaimed. "I have a new vocabulary word for you. Instead of run, we can use this fun new word I heard called skrrt."

Everyone cringed.

The players cringed.

The other coaches cringed.

Even the grass cringed.

"Um.. anyway... I'm gonna have you guys practice some throwing and catching, and, well, you know. What goes on during a game. "Now, Bra-"

Forest ran onto the field, fifteen minutes late to practice. "Why are you late?" Evan shouted at him. "Oh, and also we use skrrt instead of run."

"It's only fifteen minutes," He began, "and I got pulled over. The cop said I was cute though." Booker sighed. "Wishmonger, you have five extra laps," Herman instructed. Forest began his quick run around the field.

Booker tossed the ball towards an equipment manager before jogging towards his coach, Burbach. "Anyway... Tom, I'm gonna have you doing some more with running the ball this game."

"Don't you mean skrrting the ball?-" Forest said as he came back from his speedy skrrt. Herman sighed, "Sure, whatever. Now Tom, go run with Joshua, he is fast and might have tips to help with form and footwork."

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