Part One: Flowers Wilting In a Lonely Forest. Mylo's POV. (Point Of View)

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 In a world of little to no technological advancements, it's easy to lose your mind. 

My name is Mylo Quizzbit, and I'm an inventor.

"Yes this'll do quite nicely!" I smiled and picked up a large spring that was lying on the ground.

I was in a large forest, scavenging for materials. I bought at least half of my materials for my inventions, but I loved finding them too! I spotted a couple wilted flowers. I noticed they continued down a path.

"I wonder what's wrong-" I bent down and put my hand underneath one of the flowers. My raccoon crawled up onto my shoulder. "You think we should follow them, Rascal?"

The raccoon made a clacking and clicking noise.

"Me too. Alright buddy- Lead the way." I smiled and brushed my black hair out of my face. Rascal hopped down and ran down the path that the flowers were making. I followed quickly but cautiously.

Farther and farther we went down... I began to hear whimpering.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea..." I fidgeted with my overall strap and unattached it, then reattached it. I didn't want to invade anyone's privacy- Then again, this was a forest so...No one technically owned it.

The whimpering got slightly louder as I continued to walk. Rascal made a noise and I looked down. Flowers ahead of us were wilting rapidly.

"What-" I began and then stopped when I saw her.

A girl who looked about my age was sitting on a rock, crying. She had half lavender and half black straight, long hair with bangs. She wore a white shirt, a black skirt with suspender type things. She also had the strangest hat and wore two different socks. One was black and white striped, and one was black. She had a strange but alluring ring on her third finger.  She seemed very upset, and all the grass and flowers around her were wilting quickly.

I stopped and hid behind a tree. Rascal jumped back up onto my shoulder. The girl continued to cry quietly.

What do i do? I thought to myself. I watched her for a couple minutes...She seemed really upset.

"E-Excuse me?" I came out from behind the tree.

The girl looked up and reached into her boot. She quickly pulled out a long, twisted stick. It had strange markings on it. 

I put my hands up.

"Woah! Woah! I'm not bad or anything! Sorry if I startled you..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

The girl sniffled a little.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded;

"If I may ask...Um- Why are you crying?" I smiled a bit sadly.

She turned her head and wiped her face.

"It's okay! You don't have to tell me!" I shook my hands and head.

We were both quiet for a second.

"Um...I'm Mylo." I smiled and extended my hand.

The girl looked at it and then at me.

"Heh-" I scratched the back of my head. Rascal jumped down and went to sniff one of the flowers which was still alive. The girl looked over at him. "Oh! That's Rascal. He's my friend."

She smiled a bit.

"You like animals too huh?" I asked.

She looked over at me then nodded.

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