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to give you a visual of what i mean by second floor

i know most people probably don't know what this show is, but oh well.

After class was finally over, I of course headed back to my dorm to hang out with Lupita, Luján, and Roberta. I opened the dorm door to Lupita and Luján conversing with each other. "Hola," I say, waving to both of them while entering. "Que onda," they say back. I scrunch up my eyebrows. "Where's Roberta?" I ask them. Luján answers with, "She's in the shower." I smirk. "I have an awesome idea." They both look at me in question. "I'm gonna go scare her," I say laughing quietly, just in case Roberta would hear. Lupita smiles and giggles. "Yes! I can't wait to hear her scream." Luján gives me an unsure look. "I don't know if you should, she might get really mad." I pause for a moment then shrug my shoulders. "Eh, it'll be worth it." She smiles. "Whatever you say," Luján says putting her hands up in defense. I smile and head for the bathroom. I quietly and slowly open the bathroom door. I immediately hear the pitter patter of the water hitting the shower floor from the shower head. The bathroom is pretty big. It has a very wide sink with three spigots to wash your hands from, a toilet made of marble, and a huge mirror above the sinks. Then, the shower. I hesitantly start to walk over to the shower. As I'm walking, Roberta starts singing and I stop in my tracks.

"No hay nada que me puede vencer, si te tengo detrás de la piel, me vas llenando de luz, que va creciendo hacia el sur,"

She sings quietly, like it's illegal or something, and I just stand there, mesmerized by her beautiful voice. I start walking closer to the shower curtain. My mind jumbles and I try to decide if I should wait or scare her now. I decide to do it now, since she stops singing for a moment. I swipe open the curtain. "Boo!" I say with a star struck look on my face from before. Roberta screams and jumps. "¡Ay!" I flinch at her screaming and yelling. She looks at the culprit and realizes it's me. "¡Que demonios!" I laugh lightly. "Haha....got you," I say sheepishly, regretting my decision in doing this. Roberta outstares me with an angry look on her face. My heart starts racing. Roberta's eyes widen for a moment, looking down at her body. She looks back up at me, her eyes terrified, and hurriedly tries covering her chest and privates at the same time. She has a flustered look on her face now, and now so do I. I completely ignored the fact that when I would open the curtain to scare her, she would be naked. I quickly look back up and squeeze my eyes shut, with my hands over my eyes. I stay like that for a moment, so embarrassed by this situation. I slowly put my hands down, open my eyes and only look at back at her eyes, trying very hard not to look anywhere below that. She still has a flustered look on her face, but also....something else. I close my eyes again for a couple seconds and shake my head vigorously, with a look of embarrassment and regret on my face. I start backing away from her and the shower. "A-ah, I'm so sorry, I did not think this through-" but before I can get far enough away, she grabs my collar and yanks me back to her, close enough to get wet from the running water in the shower. Roberta bores her eyes into mine. I stutter, trying to ignore this suggestive situation. "No! My shirt!" I yell. She tightens her grip on my collar, which causes her to pull me closer to her. "Pobrecita eh? You're that one that scared me!" I nod. "Yes, and I'm sorry, sometimes I can be really stupid!" She continues to stare into my soul with an angry look on her face. "You should've thought about the consecuencias, eh? Sí, eres estúpida." She abruptly grabs my collar with both of her hands and slams her lips onto mine. My eyes widen in shock, and my heart is racing even faster. I close my eyes and quickly kiss back, absentmindedly resting my hands on her waist, then flinch my hands away, remembering she's naked. She kisses me hard, with so much pent up emotion. I could feel it. We break away from each other, staring intensely at each other and breathing raggedly. She didn't have anger on her face anymore, but...shame? Her eyes look sad. I give her a concerned look. I reach out to her. "Roberta, I-" "Cállate." She shuts her eyes for a moment, with regret on her face this time. She looks back at me, and has that familiar closed off look in her eyes. "Don't say a word." She closes the curtain. My heart shatters into a million pieces. I grip at my shirt, and turn around to leave.

I stumped down the stairs and back to where Lupita and Luján are sitting on their beds, still chatting. They both notice the look of sadness on my face. Lupita rushes over to me when I reach the last stair. "¿Que pasa?" She searches my eyes, worried. I shake my head, trying to put a smile on my face. "Nothing. She just hit me when I scared her, that's all." I laugh ineffectively and rub my arm to pretend like it hurts. Lupita frowns, and Luján shrugs her shoulders. "I told you she'd get mad." Well, technically she wasn't wrong.

15 minutes later I'm in bed looking at my phone, scrolling through the several pointless group chats I'm in. Lupita and Luján are in their beds as well. Lupita gets out of her bed and travels over to me. The same look on her face from before reappears. "Are you sure you're okay?" Lupita waits for me to make eye contact with her. I look up at her from my phone. "Yeah, I'm just sick and tired of being in these stupid group chats on my phone," I say as I gesture to my phone. She looks at me slightly annoyed. "No, before. What actually happened when you scared Roberta?" My face gets hot and my heart races again, just thinking about what happened. I hold her stare and take a couple seconds to think of a sentence that would reassure her and stop her from asking me what happened. She rests her hand on my comforter-covered leg. "I saw that look on your face when you came back from the bathroom. I know what you said was a lie." I avoid making eye contact with her. I hear quiet footsteps that become louder and louder. Roberta is done showering and enters the room. I shrug Lupita off my leg and lie down. I look into her eyes and try to give her a convincing look. "I'm fine, really," I whisper to her. Lupita looks away from me and sees that Roberta is here. Lupita walks up to Roberta. My breath hitches in my throat. "¿Que pasa Roberta? She won't tell me anything," Lupita says as she points at me exasperated. Roberta looks at me. I quickly look away. I hear Roberta let out a little scoff. "Nothing happened, Lupita. She just surprised me. That's all." I glance over and watch Roberta shove past Lupita. "Go to bed, Lupita." Roberta crawls under her covers and Lupita goes to turn off the lights. Luján stares blankly for a moment, then gets under her covers. Goodnight, I guess.
I can't sleep. I feel trapped under my covers. I want to go out, but if I get caught that would be really bad. I sit up from my bed and look towards the three girls. They all look knocked out to me, so I get out of bed. I walk up the circling staircase to the "second floor". I sit down on the floor once I get there, dangling my legs over the edge and resting on the bars that block the edge. I swing my legs repeatedly. I can't stop thinking about her and what happened. Why did she get mad? Because she didn't actually mean to kiss me? Because she didn't actually want to kiss me..... I can't understand how this happened. I should not have come up with that stupid idea of scaring her in the shower. Why did I think that nothing would come from that? I lie down on the carpeted floor with my legs still dangling. I remember that verse she sang too... her voice is truly amazing. I think about writing down the lyrics and pat myself down for a pen. I conveniently had one in my front pocket of my sweatpants. I take it out and start writing on my left forearm. I try to write it as neatly as possible.

No hay nada que me puede vencer  .  .  . 
Sí te tengo detrás la piel  .  .  .  .
Me vas llenando de luz  .  .  .  .
Que va creciendo hacia el sur  .  .  .  .  .  . 

I can remember her voice. My heart aches for her to sing it again. I look up at the ceiling. I wonder what the words mean. I sit back up, and stand up to go back down the stairs. I get back on the main floor and look at the girls again. I quietly take the comforter off my bed and drag it with me back up the stairs. I lie back down on the soft carpeted floor and fall asleep.

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