Business Propositions

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"Why don't you ever have clothes on?"

Not that Katsuki is particularly bothered by Shouto's lack of pants and shirt, but he's never much understood why Shouto preferred to be more...


That's a good way to put it.

Shouto kicks the refrigerator door closed with his heel, eating grapes right out of the bag as if he couldn't be bothered with washing them first. He gives an exaggerated moan at the taste of them, licking his lips before making eye contact with Katsuki.

"I like to be free. Clothes are constricting. If I don't have to wear those fuckers, I'm not. What, you tired of looking at my fine ass after all these years?"

Katsuki rolls his eyes, albeit with a smile.

"What ass? Flat as a 90s phone book back there---ow!"

He's not nearly quick enough to dodge the graceful kick that lands to his side from where he's sitting at the kitchen bar, pen in hand and textbooks sprawled across the counter. He's grateful that Kirishima has the connections that he has or he'd have had to pay out of the ass for new ones.

He'd never tell him to his face, but that shark-faced fuck is starting to grow on him.

"Rude ass bitch."

"But I love you."

"What's love got to do with anything? You could at least lie and say I have a fat ass."

"That's Shitty Hair's job. I am not going to lie to protect your soft ass ego. Your ass is flat, sis."

Shouto rolls his eyes, climbing up into the bar stool next to Katsuki to look over his shoulder.

"You working on Number Theory?"


"...Kats, there's nothing on that page."

"Yeah. My brain short circuited after about thirty minutes of trying to read the chapter. I've been staring at the same page for an hour."

Not that Katsuki is particularly bad at math. He just fucking hates it. They always go out of their way to make the wording and explanations complicated in these textbooks so that students have to fucking decode and read the shit ten times over just to understand it when they could just say it outright. We get it, you're smart people who write books. But the point of an education is to learn, not to make learning as difficult as you possibly can.

College is such a scam.

But he neeeeeds this degree!

Mostly to rub in his parents' faces, but you get the point.

The book slides from beneath his arms, granite counters taking the place of a thousand jumbled letters and numbers in his view. For what feels like the first time in an hour, Katsuki blinks and rubs his dry, tired eyes.

"Take a break, honey. You can't magically absorb knowledge just by staring at it."

"I know."

"And cramming doesn't work. You know that."

A sigh. "I know."

"So you're gonna take a break, right? No more studying for tonight?"


"Good. Why don't you go see a movie or something?"

Katsuki raises a brow at his friend as he hops down from the stool. "Why do I have to leave to watch a movie when I could just watch Netflix right here?"

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