Chapter 1.

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"Just move on!"

It had been about 3 months after the Byers family moved away, since Will, Mike's best friend, and El, Mike's (ex) girlfriend had moved away to the city. Mike had tried moving on but he can't, his lifelong bestfriend since the beginning was now gone. And his ex El, he loved her with all his heart and now she's gone to.

Mike had tried to console with his friends but they weren't any help.

"Why can't you just move on? It was three months ago, three!" Lucas said as he grabbed the Atari controller. Max has always been good with Mike and his sadness about Will and el moving away but she was kinda annoyed now, "Yeah Mike, I mean it's not like they are gone forever." She said sitting beside Lucas on the couch. Dustin wasn't even there, he was with Steve and Robin doing who knows what.

Mike sighed and went upstairs to his room to clear his head. Max and Lucas were right though, it's been three months, but he still felt bad about everything. Especially with Will, when Will needed him the most he left him just to swap spit with some girl he only knew for a week.

It's not my fault you don't like girls!

All the memories of Will came flooding back into Mike's mind, this happened often. Why did he have to say that though, Mike wasn't even thinking the words just slipped out of his mouth. As he entered his room all he saw were pictures of El, none of Will.

But he did have one picture in his drawer it was from awhile ago, it was Mike and Wills first day of second grade. Both of them looked so happy and content.

Mike layed down on his bed as guilt washed over him leaving hot tears roll down his cheeks and into his soft pillows. He treated Will like shit, there is no denying that.

"Mike!" Nancy was calling from the kitchen down stairs. Mike got up and wipe his eyes walking towards the door, "What?!" Mike yelled back, "It's Will, he's on the phone!" Mike immediately ran downstairs and grabbed the phone from Nancy.

"Hello?" Mike said into the phone. "Hello?" Mike could hear Wills soft voice. "H-hey, it's Mike." Mike said as a smile crept into his face, he hasn't talked to Will since he moved. "Hey Mike, how are you?" Will sounded like he was trying to hold in his laughter. "I'm good, w-what about you?" Mike said feeling his mood getting better by the second. That's the kind of effect Will had on Mike, it was so easy for him to make Mike smile. "Oh, I'm g-good-" Will cut himself off with a fit of laughter. After his laughter died down Mike asked, "you good? What happened?"
Will calmed himself down and said, "Oh it was just Andrew, he's a uh, friend of mine, yeah, a friend." Mike felt a pang of jealousy grow inside of him, who the fuck was Andrew, and from the sound of it he definitely wasn't a friend. "Oh, well, okay then, we are still coming over for Christmas right?" Mike asked hopefully, they were supposed to come for thanksgiving but it just didn't work out. "Oh yeah of course can't wait to see you!" Will sounded genuinely excited and happy. "I gotta go but I'll see you soon." Will said. "Bye!" Mike hung up and went back upstairs.

Why was Mike jealous? It's not like Will had replaced him, or did he? No, Will isn't like that, right? All these questions raced around in Mike's mind as he layed back down in his bed.

It doesn't matter though, maybe when Mike sees will he can ask or just talk things out.

I know this book is gonna flop so I'll probably delete this lol
I decided that I'm gonna take a break from my other oneshot book because I honestly hate it, like the writing and quality is really bad lol
Anyways I will be working on this book for awhile :))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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