She is beauty and pain,
A Rose with thorns,
A perfect imperfection,
She is love that comes
With pain.(Kevin)
She is divine
She is an oracle
A healer for broken souls
She's saviour for the dying
With her voice she soothes
In sweet lullaby tunes.(Solace)
She is a Goddess,
She is an Artwork,
A beautiful strong Artwork,
Her brave heart
Is what makes her strong.(Kevin)
When she talks even nature turns to listen,
Her touch is righteous
Even her footsteps shine like a trail,
To the holy grail
For she is born from the ethers
Her soft nature is what allows her to feel more
Her empathetic aura absorbs all vibrations
And she is one with all creation hence she feels all to the core.But don't let her kind heart and golden aura fool you
Don't try to take advantage cuase that might just be the end of you
Because she is a warrior
A child of the cosmos..
Goddess of the Tropos.(Solace)
She is my purified light,
When she smiles,
She illuminates my world.
She is my purified light,
When she smiles,
Skies lighten up,
My soul thrives,
Birds sing,
Angels throw a party in heaven,
Her smile is Divine beauty to be celebrated.
She is what she is my beautiful weird Goddess.