Tree on the Hill

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No one questioned her, after a year of being there, they learned not to.

The scene started around a camp fire in the woods. There was a few tents off to the side. A figure was sitting by the fire, and by the looks of his hair, I would say that's Bakugou. Changing angles, it's showed Todoroki coming to sit by Bakugou. Bakugou turned away from him and proceeded to poke at the fire with a stick he found before creating sparks in his hands, strengthening the fire. "What do you want icy-hot?"

"I thought you said this would be out of character? This seems pretty Bakugou to me," Uraraka shrugged.

Bakugou shot up before being forced to sit back down due to Tokyo's god like powers.

Silence took over the camp sight.

Suddenly Todoroki spike up, "Who's Izuku?"

Bakugou's features darkened.

"You not the first kid I was sent to protect. I should have told but I thought if I did you would never listen to me on this mission which, right now, is vital if we want to get back to Yuuei," Bakugou paused, still not looking at Todoroki.

"Ah there it is," Uraraka said.

"I'm gonna kill her," Bakugou strained out.

"Ask Uraraka. She knows." Bakugou sat back against the tree behind him. "Theres a tree on the hill up on Hero hill-"

The Bakugou on the screen was interrupted. "He said to ask Uraraka, but then continued to explain it," Iida sighed.

"Can you not be Logan Sanders? For like one second?" Tokyo asked.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"What?" Tokyo asked.


And so the fourth wall was broken once more. Uh hey reader- how you doing?

"-that watches over us silent and still. And no one at school is safe until we can see the tree on the hill," Bakugou pauses for a second.

"This was way before I met you.
Aizawa sent me to escourt 3 students back to school. Two were runaways. One was Uraraka. The other was Shigaraki. And the third was Izuku. Tough kid like his dad All Might."

"So you are All Might's secret love child," Todoroki said, appearing behind Izuku and scaring the ever living daylights out of him.

"WHAT THE SNICKER DOODLE?! TODOROKI HOW DID YOU GET BEHIND ME SO FAST?!" Izuku jumped up and fell on the floor.

Everyone burst out laughing, "What in the world was that?!" People asked.

"Nothing! Continue the AU!" Izuku screamed, voice cracking in places.

More silence. "I thought I was the only kid of the top three heroes," Todoroki murmured just quiet enough for only Bakugou to hear.

Bakugou gave a small chuckle before frowning again, "You are now. We'd almost made it back to school, but I got nervous and we got lost and by the time we found the hill, something else found us."

Bakugou fell silent again.

"And there on the hill, up on Hero's hill, a cold wind blew, darkend and chill. Though nothing would slay its wrath or will. We hand to make a stand," Bakugou's voice steadily got louder and more full of emotion. He started to tear up.

Bakugou stood up quickly and faced Todoroki, sticking a finger in his face, "And maybe if I'd been a little bit braver. Maybe if I stayed behind to fight. But maybe doesn't let me go back and save him."

Bakugou deflated, turned back around and leaned back on his tree, "Maybe doesn't make it all right."

Bakugou wiped away his tears, "Damn tears. Damn emotions," he muttered under his breath. He thought Todoroki could hear it, but he did.

Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, and Tokyo all shared a look before standing up and cupping their hands around their mouths, "THAT'S GAE!!!!"

Bakugou looked about ready to kill.

"What's 'gae' mean?" A small voice asked. They all looked at Eri.

"Oh my sweet baby child. I will teach you the wonders of gay and pride month. For now, we watch the AU thing. Later, we educate you," Tokyo said as she gave a reassuring smile.

Bakugou smiled a little, "Izuku saved us. We only survived becuase he stayed to hold off the villains. He paid for his sacrifce with his life. That's when All Might showed up."

Todoroki has a hopeful look in his eyes, "And saved him, right?"

Bakugou shook his head, "It was to late for that. As he died All Might turned him into a tree so that he could stand protecting us forever, the way I couldn't do for him."

Bakugou looked down at his hands, "There's a tree on the hill up on Hero's hill that protects us all and always will. And it's there reminding me of all I failed to be."

Bakugou choked back a sob as he pulled out a picture of him and Izuku playing with a ball when they were little.

"The tree-" a tear fell onto the picture. "On the hill."

The fire had slowly died out and was not only a few flames, just enough to give a bit of light, but if a bit of wind were to pass by, the flames would cease to exist.

Bakugou stood up and walked into one of the tents. Todoroki sighed and stood up, he made a small flurry over the fire using his ice and put the fire out.

He looked up at the tree above him, the moon peeking out a bit behind it. He smiled a sad, but content smile.


Sniffing was heard through the theater. A few girls were crying. Even Tokyo was.

"It's sad! Don't judge me! I love this musical!" Tokyo defended.

Little authors note. You can skip if you want.


This is so cool y'all! I came out as Bisexual to my friends. Not my family because I kinda need a place to live and they will throw me out- besides the point!

I turned 14 like what?! That's awesome! Although I'm scared for high school....

This book hit its one year! Like I can't believe that this book has gotten so far in one year! It's crazy!

This chapter was my anniversary present. Did you bring yours?

Thank y'all so much!

I am still on hiatus, I will be until school starts or until I finish my freaking book project. I'll probably be back to updating like mid July.

I can't express this enough! Thank yall!

I love y'all! Stay safe!

1129 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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