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"You already on relationship and you doesn't tell me? " jinyoung asked while his focus on laptop.

"Wait what how you know? " jaebeom sat beside jinyoung, holding mug on his hand drinking strawberry milk.

"Did you forgot youngjae my friend too so he tell me "

"Oh ya right ofcourse he tell you "

Then jinyoung phone got notification. Jinyoung groaned seem stress. Jaebeom looking at jinyoung lifted his eyebrows.

"You seem like someone disturbing you, have problem? "

"Nothing, just some random guy chat me"

Jaebeom chuckled. "Interest on you ?"


"And you seen all this guy chat? "

"Yes jaebeom you knew me well. "

Jaebeom chuckled again. Jinyoung looked at jaebeom weirdly.

"It's is funny? " jinyoung give glare.

Jaebeom sip his last drink. "No, just why don't you replied his message and got to know each other "

Jinyoung fake laugh. "Thank you for the advice "

"It's, nevermind. Don't search me if that guy have someone else. " jaebeom got up and leave jinyoung. Jinyoung just silent on what jaebeom saying. He take his phone and open the line apps.

Hi you

Sorry if my last message make you uncomfortable.

I'm not a person like that, trust me.

I just want get your attention.

So you don't want to chat with me yet, okay :)

Jinyoung sighed. He throw his phone at the couch.

"I want to take some nap"


"So how? "mark asked.

"He still seen my message" yugyeom sighed. Laying on couch. Mark sigh too.


"Yes hyung "

"I want to go to jackson house, you don't mind if you alone at home? "

"Yes sure, i want to sleep. "

Mark still looked at the younger. I must do something. Mark exit the house, leave yugyeom alone. He must do this for yugyeom. Mark started the car and drove to direction. After few minutes mark arrived.

He press the doorbell ring. After a second the door open.

"Oh mark you here why so sudden? "

"Urm jaebeom i want to see jinyoung "

-end chapter 8
-enjoy reading
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