Leah,Maddy and Izabel haven't reached yet....Said Peter Mario- Why are they so late? Mich- tHe QuEsTiOn Is WhY aRe ThEy lIkE tHiS eVeRyTiMe? Caiira- UGHHH I'm so pissed off WHY THE HECK ARE THEY ALWAYS LATE?! Mich and Mario- cHiLl GuRl ChIlL _Peter giggles softly in the back_ All 4 of them heard a LOUD BANG and all turned back.,seeing Leah,Maddy and Izabel looking tired and sweaty Peter and Caiira- WHY ARE YOU THREE ALWAYS LIKE THIS?!? Mich- cHiLlLl boii Mario- Forget it lets go to the new restaurant that opened recently! . . . . . Mich- So who's coming in my car? Leah- Me! Izabel- I wanna come in your car Maddy- me... Mario- Can i come? Mich- Sure! ^^ Peter- uhhh i wanted to come tho.. I guess I'll go with Caiira.. Caiira- WHAT? YOU? In my tWo-WhEeLeR?!?!? Peter- Any problems? Caiira- Uh no..haha Peter- Then I'll come with Caiira..See y'all at the café! Mich- Okai! Caiira starts the engine of her two wheeler and Peter sits at the back.. Caiira- Don't we look weird? Peter- You know what? I'll just drive Caiira- Sureee Peter drives and Caiira sits at the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mich- Lets GO! Leah- So who'll be driving Mich or Mario? Mich- You don't need to worry bout that..-_- Mario- Can I drive? Mich- Sure Mario- Michelle...Can you sit infront..With me? Mich- Sure! With you? Mario- If you don't mind... Mich - Sure ^^ Leah- So i guess Maddy- WE THREE Izabel- GET TO SIT Leah, Maddy and Izabel- TOGETHER! Mich- cHillll you three.. Mario started the car and drove smoothly Mario pov: As soon as I started the engine I could smell the soft scent of Mich's car perfume it somehow smelled like her..But she smells better..Hehhe The steering wheel was soft and easy to control the car was so clean..I looked over at Mich she was looking outside she looked dreamy so I didn't want to disturb her..All of a sudden she put her hand on my right hand since I only use my left hand to drive ..her hand was so soft..she was holding me tight..I asked her why she did that.. she told me she usually holds people hands often..Leah and the other two were cracking up jokes and laughing loudly., I drove preety smoothly we reached the restaurant's parking the café already looked preety from outside.. I parked the car and we all went out of the car and saw Peter and Caiira waiting for us.
Mich pov- Mario's driving was better than i expected LOL ..The restaurant looks so cute from outside...I can't wait to go inside! The restaurant looked like this..UwU
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Mario- So how was my driving Mich?
Mich- It was preety smooth! Better than I expected..hehehhe
Mich- SO LETS GO FAM!! ALL 6 OF THEM- YEAAA LES GOO! The restaurant was pretty full so we all went to the upper part of it..IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!
There were group chairs and seats but Mario pulled Mich aside and said Mario- Mich..Can we sit together? Just us two.. Mich- Sure! ^^ why tho? Mario- I wanna be with you... Mich- Ohh sure^^ Mario goes to the waiter and asks the waited if there's a table for two The waiter directs Mario to the corner covered from the main area with dark brown polished wood Mich- So that's where we're sitting? Mario- Yep ;) Mich pov: The place where Mario took me was even prettier ahhh! It's so cute uwu