Emotions (Mantis)

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Everyone knew that Mantis could feel how you felt. It was no secret. After the whole Thanos and nearly dying, she touched every person she could and cried, laughed, mourned, felt guilt, felt rage. She helped every person she could help. She felt with them. She felt them.

Humans were interesting, she thought.

They had way more strong feelings that she ever felt. She didn't really like jealousy, sadness, fear and anxiety. It always felt like she was getting strangled 

What she did like, was happiness, excitement, hope and kindness. The way it made her feel so good. She loved it. Loved. Love. 

Love was a weird emotion. It was being annoyed and angry, but feeling fondness, tender and trust at the same time. 

It was quite a rollercoaster, she thought.

But she liked it. Every single piece of it. It made her feel like a normal being. 

Which she was not. 

Drax told her that.

"Mantis? Could you... Come here for a bit?"

Mantis had conflicted feelings about you. You weren't like the others. You weren't scared to touch her and you would threat her like a real friend.

Now, something was weird about you.

She wasn't sure was she was feeling when she was touching you. Trust, desire, burning passion and determination she felt, but was that all? There was something she couldn't even describe. It was... Abnormal. 

"Is there something wrong?"

"No. Just... Can I have a hug?"


She liked hugs.

She felt warm. She felt safe.

Safety was one of the things she felt in your presence.

It felt good, she thought.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Maybe... Do you think you could stay with me? I'd like some company."

You would always give cuddle to Mantis. She loved it. But today, she sensed sadness when the two of you cuddled.

"What is going on?"

"My... Brother died two years ago. He was awesome. The best brother I could ever ask for. He didn't deserve to die. I'm angry at the drunk man that killed him, driving his stupid car."


She hated that a lot. It made her feel bad. It was like sorrow was drowning you. Pain in her chest, but why? Why was it so hard? It was just a life in billions. But one life meant so much for only a couple of people. But why?

Dead was so complex, she thought.

"He was a good person?"

"Yeah. Yeah, he was."

"And you are blinded with rage at the man."


"But that man must felt regret and pain, no?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said he was intoxicated. So he didn't mean to kill your brother. Guilt must drown him, no?"

Mantis was confused. If the man didn't mean it, why were you so angry?

"Maybe. But he still killed my brother. My... My everything. He was..."

Mantis hated it when you cried. It hurt and she just cried ugly sobs with you. But she was also ugly. So was it good?

"Why do you feel regret?"

"Because I wished I had spent more time with him."

Ah, yes. The guiltiness was something she often felt with the Avengers. It was so crude. It made you fell bad with so much passion. She was almost in awe at the emotion. It was so crazy. Hard and without mercy. There was no escape to feeling guilty.

"But now you can't, because he is dead."

"Yes, Mantis."

She felt you so tired.

"Do you wish to have pleasant sleep?"

"Please. But before."

When Mantis felt your lips on hers, she wasn't sure how to respond. It wasn't something she felt before, but she discerned butterflies in her stomach. Which was weird, because she didn't eat any. 

"You make me feel so good. I just want to feel you."

Mantis didn't respond as your lips touched hers again. Weren't sure how to respond, Mantis just smiled. Yes, this felt right. She took pride in making you feel good. It was what she wished for.

"Sweet dreams."

She watched as you fell through serenity and smiled. 

Humans were beautiful creatures, she thought.

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