Chapter 2

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"You have to tell me all you've been up to!" said Anna eagerly as she and the others walked through the castle. "How are the Northuldra people? What's it like living so close to nature? Did you ever get to see that weird fire newt thing after our adventure?"

Elsa laughed. "Whoa, whoa - one question at a time, Anna. One - the Northuldra people are like the family I've never had. Two -  living in the enchanted forest is...indescribable. It truly is my home...though Arendelle is my home away from home!" (She had to add this as she saw Anna pout a bit).

"And three..." Elsa stopped to pull something from the pocket of her dress; a tiny red striped lizard creature that was sleeping in a ball, using its tail as a pillow. "Wake up, Bruni. We're here."

She used her free hand to conjure a bit of snowflakes directly above the lizard. After the first few flakes rested and melted atop its head, Bruni blinked its eyes open and slowly unfurled its body to yawn while sticking out its tongue. It then squeaked enthusiastically and looked up at Elsa.

Anna's eyes widened. "Awwwwwwww...he's just as cute as I remember!"

Bruni excitedly jumped out of Elsa's hands and into the waiting hands of Anna.

"Careful, Anna!" warned Elsa; as soon as she said it, Bruni squealed in delight and flames shot out from its back.

Anna screeched and instinctively tossed Bruni over to Kristoff standing next to her. Kristoff received the flaming animal and hopped it between his hands as though he was playing hot potato.

Fortunately, Olaf was nearby, so when Kristoff tossed Bruni in his direction, Olaf embraces the creature to his chest. "Why, hello there my friend! I haven't seen you in ages! I mean, like literal ages: I died, you know? But I came back to life! So I'm actually a different, younger age than the last time you saw me! Isn't that wild?" As Olaf gabbed on, the heat from Bruni's flame caused him to melt into Olaf's chest. The snow reformed thanks to Elsa's permafrost magic, and the lizard snuggled his body within Olaf so that only his head stuck out. "Yeah..." said Olaf, finishing his thought; Bruni sighed in contentment at the same time.

"I forgot it did that," Kristof said, scratching his head sheepishly. "Sorry for chucking Bruni..."

"Quite alright," said Elsa. "I'm dying to hear what you've two have been up to. How have you been adjusting, PRINCE Kristoff?"

Kristoff brought his hands up and tried to shush Elsa. "No, no, no, - don't SAY that!"

Anna nudged him affectionately. "I'm starting to think my husband is allergic to the phrase."

"It's not that," said Kristoff. "It's sounds weird to me. I'm not used to it yet."

"Queen Anna, Prince Kristoff," Lieutenant Mattias appeared in the hall. (Kristoff flinched and muttered "Ah geez"). When he saw Elsa, he bowed. "Your Highness."

"That won't be necessary, Lieutenant," corrected Elsa. "I'm no longer queen; I'm a citizen like everyone else."

Mattias straightened up, a bit flustered. "Yes, of course. Forgive me, Your H-er, Elsa. Force of habit." He turned to face Anna. "Apologies, Queen Anna - I was unable to locate your gift to your sister."

"Gift?" said Elsa.

"Anna was going to surprise you with a gift when you arrived," explained Kristoff. "And she was so proud of the hiding place she used for it."

"Problem was, it was too good of a hiding place: I lost your gift," Anna said, looking down at her feet. "Even as the ruler of Arendelle, I'm still an epic klutz."

"You know that's not true," Elsa said, frowning. She then outstretched her arms. "Come."

Anna looked at her sister, confused. "What...what is this? Mattias?"

Mattias shrugged, equally perplexed.

"It's called 'giving my sis a hug'," said Elsa. "Come here."

Anna sighed. "Okay, thanks, but I'm not sure how this will help...."

Anna walked into her sister's open arms and accepted her embrace. After a few seconds, however, Elsa placed both of her hands on Anna's head.

"Ah-ha...." said Elsa. Suddenly, she stopped the hug and began to run down the hall. "Follow me!"

"Elsa? Where are you going?" But Elsa was already at the other end and had turned the corridor, so the group had no choice but to follow her.

After going up and down several corridors and several flights of stairs, Elsa finally stopped at the base of a stairwell near the Royal Study.

"Elsa..." said Anna, out of breath when she caught up with her elusive sister." What...what on Earth...?"

"It....should be!" Elsa ran her hand along the space where the stairwell and the wall met; there was a very narrow gap in between. About halfway down, she stopped and dug her hand in the gap, then fished out a tiny blue box with a teal bow. "Ta-da!"

Anna's eyes widened in awe. "Elsa! That's it! That was the gift I got for you! But how did you...?"

Elsa pointed a single digit to her temple. "Water has memory, remember? We're blood, and blood runs through all of us, like water. I've been practicing, and I discovered that when I focus and am really in tune with a person, I can access the memories of others. Even if you can't access your own."

"Wow, Elsa," said Kristoff. "That's really impressive."

"You're getting stronger," Anna said, smiling ear to ear.  "I'm so proud of you! Uh...may I?"

She gestured to the little box, which Elsa handed to her. Anna immediately presented it back to Elsa. "For you."

Elsa feigned mock surprise. "Why Anna, you shouldn't have!" She opened the box and revealed a beautiful necklace with a large aquamarine stone hanging from its base. "Oh,'s beautiful..."

"Open the stone," instructed Anna. 

Elsa did just that; the stone was actually a locket, and inside was a picture of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and even Sven the reindeer.

"It's so you'll never be lonely or miss us. It's a reminder that we'll always be close to your heart."

Elsa teared up. "Thank you, Anna. I'll cherish it always."

As they hugged, Olaf finally came crashing down the stairs, falling with a splat at the bottom.

"WHO WANTS CAKE?!" he yelled. Bruni burst out of Olaf's chest with his tongue hanging out, eager to eat.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now