POV: August

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I need some company rite now
Damnn I know I don't want to see Hannah
Maybe I can call ole girl
I mean Inifity damn wen I say fine asf
I mean it
Shawty got a nice body to,booty big asf
Lemme me call nd see
📱conversation wit Inifity:
August: Hello
Inifity: Hey Who is this?
August: your baee from the park
Inifity: August rite nd let me get this straight u ain't my baee
August: yea rite nd can u come over
Inifity: df boy we just saw each other yesterday
August: lol I know but I wanna get to know u thoo
Inifity: we can go to a restaurant or sum but not yo house nigga
August: Ight I will pick u up in 2 minutes nd text me the address
Inifity: bye boy nd okay!
End of call***

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