Chapter 14 ~ Truths

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The epilogue of Oria is going to be uploaded to my Facebook group for a Christmas present for you all so make sure you join in! The link to my group can be found on my message board or simply search Scottish_writer on Facebook!

Chapter 14: Truths

My eyes stayed locked on the russet wolf that watched me like it would soon devour me. Jasper was speaking but his words were lost to the rush of blood in my head. The stories were true, these lands were overrun with creatures from nightmares, if only they knew the monsters were really the people.

A touch to my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I batted at Torian's hand, shoving myself away from him. I managed to scramble back to my feet, hands outstretched to ward him and the others off. Artair was here too, his gaze flicking from me to a terrified looking Jasper.

"We didn't know she was here," Jasper rushed, looking to Torian. "We wouldn't have come this way if we knew!"

"Enough, Jasper. Go home." Torian barked, his eyes never leaving me.

Jaspers mouth moved uselessly a few times before he nodded once and turned. A whimper left me, my hand flying to cover my mouth as I watched his shape change again. Two wolves ran from us and I was left alone with Torian and his brother.

Instincts told me to flee but fear kept me from moving. Like a deer under the hunters eye, I was caught and rooted. Torian's eyes seemed brighter somehow, something feral in their depths as he stepped towards me.

"Stay back!" I yelled desperately, swiping my hand at him.

He growled, the sound deep and rough. It sent a shiver up my spine. I could feel the warning in it, demanding that I don't run. He dropped my shoes beside him but I didn't care that I was still barefoot.

"You hit your head, wife," Torian said, softly now.

I snorted at the same time his brother did. Torian swung around to glare at Artair who's head ducked down. "Forgive me, brother, but I think it's well past time to try and persuade her that what she saw wasn't real. She is young and naive but not stupid."

Torian muttered something before looking back at me and the burn of his gaze made me stiffen.

Run, run run. . .

"Come back to the house with me. I'll explain everything, I promise. Don't try to fight me. If you manage to run, you won't get far," my husband ordered. It was a dark promise and one that I didn't doubt.

Part of me wanted to agree; to go with him and learn the secrets that had plagued me since I'd met him. I wanted the answers so badly. I wanted to know why I was here. But could I really trust Torian? Could I trust his family? None of them had shown any ill intention towards me after all. They'd welcomed me with open arms.

"You know we won't hurt you, lady Màili," Artair added. "We all gave our word and we do not break our word once given."

The two men watched me as I struggled with the fear that coiled deep in my stomach and the craving to know the truth. When I envisioned both men turning into wolves, fear won out and I darted left, running as fast as I could. Torian cursed and I could hear the thud of his boots on the ground close behind me. Sticks and twigs dug into my soles but adrenaline stopped me from really feeling any pain.

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