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Ran away from his home at age of 5 Y/N Rose he had enough of the abuse from the Rose family driving him to become someone who desired revenge towards Rose family but without power he is nothing compared to his sisters. After running away for days he finally realize that he was nothing all this efforts he did is meaningless as his body starts to fail him he walks without any purpose until hours later his body couldn't keep up and falls down but before hitting the ground Y/N felt someone hold his body preventing him to fall he tries open his eyes wanting to see who help him but what he could see is a glimpse of the person. A young woman with a blonde hair coupled with a black crown and adored with blue crystals and a veil covering her face

??? : don't worry my dear you're safe now

And that's the last thing he heard before falling into deep slumber

Y/N opened his eyes and looked in front of him a wide place with a many swords piercing on to the ground and a figure sits in the middle but as Y/N walk towards him a light blinding him and he sits up awake looking around now he's in flower garden

Y/N: where am I, am I in heaven?

??? : close but not close enough

The voice said from behind him surprised by the woman sudden appearance Y/N stumbles fall to the ground the woman chuckles by Y/N behavior

??? : no need to be alarmed I'm not going to hurt you come here sit down beside me

The woman said as she patted the ground next to her Y/N walks and sit beside her the woman raise her hand towards Y/N because of his family abuse Y/N body moves to looking away scared but the woman hand reach Y/N head and stroke his hair

??? : what are you doing in the middle of the woods at night?

Y/N: I was running away from my family

??? : and what did they do to you to make you run away from them

Y/N tells the woman about the abuse and everything they did to him his family despise him for not unlocking his semblance, being weaker than his sister and he never wanted to become a huntsman but instead he wanted to become a knight.

??? : you've been through a hard path my dear why don't you live with me and become my son

Y/N eyes lit up full up with hope he thinks that maybe this is where he can be accepted and having a real family that he could proud of

Y/N: yes I would I happily accept it

He said as he's crying not from sadness but from happiness that he finally found

??? : I'm glad you did you would be a perfect knight my son first tell me what is your name

Y/N: Y/N Rose

???: from now on your name is Y/N Pendragon son of Morgan Le Fay

Y/N hugged his new mother and gladly received his new name her mother Morgan hugged back Y/N and he cries on her arms from the name she gave to him his mother raise his son head to look at her

Morgan: but before that I want you to meet someone

She snapped her finger and suddenly in a place look like a training field there is a girl around 2 or 3 years older than him

Morgan: Mordred

Y/N hid behind Morgan and look at Mordred by peeking from behind her Mordred was confused by the boy behavior and why is he clinging behind her mother

Mordred: mom who is this boy

Morgan: Mordred meet you little brother Y/N, Y/N meet Mordred your new sister

The Red and Black Knights(Abused&Neglected Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now