Chapter 1

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After a long wait Y/N and Mordred arrived at Beacon as they walked out and Y/N look at the view of the school while walking to the auditorium

Y/N: wow look at this place

Mordred: i know it's huge right

As they walk something caught my attention a girl with bright golden hair and black haired girl before he could see who is it Mordred calls him

Mordred: Y/N where are you doing the auditorium is that way


After we heard the Headmaster speech we're told that we will sleep in the ball room we headed there until called by the Headmaster

Ozpin:Mr. Pendragon and Ms. Pendragon

Mordred: that would be us

Ozpin: it's a pleasure to meet Queen Morgan's children especially you Miss Pendragon

Mordred: thank you professor

Ozpin: and Mr. Pendragon i've heard a lot about you especially from your mother

Y/N: thank you professor is there anything else you need?

Ozpin: i just want to inform you that the both of you will be on the same team with 2 other nobles from other kingdoms

Mordred: as long they didn't slow us down there won't be a problem

Y/N nudges his sister for her attitude

Y/N: I'm sorry professor she's always like this

Ozpin: It's okay have a goodnight

Y/N: thank you professor

Timeskip Midnight

We're at the ball room Mordred just instantly went to sleep meanwhile still awake reading i notice the 2 girls i saw before they look like Yang and Ruby but i decide to ignore it and continue reading

Ruby POV

Yang and I just talked with Blake and there's a guy he look like Y/N i want to talk to him but i remember why he ran away from home years ago

Yang: what's wrong Ruby

Ruby: doesn't that guy look like Y/N?

Yang: kinda why don't we ask him

Ruby: i don't know Yang we know why he ran away because of us

Yang: don't be like that Ruby i'm sure he will come back now why dont we get some sleep

Timeskip Midnight


I was sleeping until something woke me up i felt something cold i walk out to the hallway and see the entire hallway covered by layer of ice

Y/N: what happened here

I decide to check what happened as i walk to the end of the hallway i heard someone talking

???: Professor Ozpin you said you can help her but how?

Ozpin: i could there's one of our student that could use magic

???: her power is getting stronger everyday Professor how can you be so sure that your student could help her

Ozpin: he could use magic better than everyone i've meet before

Y/N:"There's someone who could use magic too here and is professor Ozpin talking about me"

after hearing this i decide to peek from the corner i can see there's professor Ozpin talking to a man and a woman wearing a tiara which i guess they're nobles but there's a door behind them i could feel magic flows behind it

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