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IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL MORNING ON THE VICTORIA PUNK. The sun was rising and goats were chirping, until...

"AAAAAH," A voice screamed and pointed to the broken glass on the floor "THE ETERNAL POSE IS BROKEN!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Another voice scoffed, "Do you want Captain Kid to hear us, you idiot?!"

"Hear what?" A dark, murderous aura appeared behind the two navigators.

Said males froze in place with widened eyes. Slowly and trembling, they turned their head to face the captain's pissed off face. Boy, if looks could kill, those men would be tortured, killed, brought back to life and killed again. 

"C-c-c-captain K-K-Kid...!"  One of the men's stuttering voice gave out his fear, "I-I-It's not w-w-what it looks l-l-like!"

"Y-y-yeah!" The other one nodded. Suddenly, he pointed to his crewmate "IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!"

The other one widened his eyes in shock and screamed in fear. The redhead growled at this, and grabbed them both by their collars.


Y/N was in her small bedroom. Sweat droplets were falling from her forehead, hard breaths leaving her lungs, her hands were gripping the sheets tightly and her e/c were shut.

"Come on, sweetheart. Don't play hard-to-get with me, you know you want it."

"No... no..." Breathless whining left her slightly parted lips and she moved her head from side to side with sudden movements.

She ran away, only to trip with her long dress and fall down with a loud thud on the carpeted floor.

"Please..." her voice was still breathless, but this time cracked. She gripped the sheets tighter.

She felt her being lifted up and the next thing she knew was that her body was slammed against a wall. Prince Kurono Kishi had slapped her, and her cheek was stinging.

Low whining filled the tiny room. Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, her face was now drenched in sweat.

"Shut the fuck up. Next time you push me off I'm going to throw you to the Sea Kings." 

Her panting got louder and louder.

With a sudden force, he threw her against her desk, her back facing him and his hands painfully gripping her hips.

Her underwear was ripped off and she heard the sound of a zipper.

He would be coming after her.

"No... No!" 

 her breathing became unsteady. Just when he was about to get inside her-

"Get up!" 

Her eyes shot open by a familiar male's voice and loud banging on her door. All this time she felt like she couldn't breathe although she was panting. 

The voice belonged to Captain Kid. And he didn't sound so pleased, so she had better open the door. 

"Y-yes? G-give me a s-second, please!" She wiped the sweat of her face, along with some tears, which she didn't know that were falling down her face. Quickly, she put on her dress and fixed her hair, and came out.

His displeased amber orbs meet her beautiful, yet red and puffy E/C ones. 

"What the hell happened to you?"

Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine. He must never know, no one must never know. 

Offering the redhead a smile, she lied. "O-oh, it's nothing. My eyes t-tend to get like this in the morning, after I wake up, Mr. Captain."

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