Part 5

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‘Hey wake up’ a voice in my head said ‘really you think that hey wake up is going to wake her up’ another voice said it was female. What is going on your too loud I said in my head, I opened my eyes slowly and look around the room, the sun is shining through the curtains hitting the bed. It’s really quiet wait where is everyone ‘they probably left you because you know you put them in danger and almost died your probably a burden’ a different voice in my head said. Wait that wasn’t mr.left or miss.right who was that ‘oh hello dear I am you negative state of mind you can just call me negative’ the entity said. Wait a second, what if the voice in my head is right what if they are really gone, tears start cascading down my face, fear clutching at my heart. As soon as I move my leg pain shoots through my body, okay that hurt I throw off the covers and crawl off the bed and get to a place where I can support myself to stand up. Limping my way to the living room I heard voices, they didn’t leave me. I look around the corner into the kitchen and see Jihyo at the stove cooking breakfast “when do you think she will wake up?” she asked, wait are they talking about me how long have I been out. “Give her time Jihyo she almost died” Youngsun said “give her time, of course I’m giving her time but she almost died right in front of me. All I have been doing is giving her time but listen young it’s been 3 days I don’t think she is going to wake up” Jihyo said with pain in her voice. I don’t like to see her hurting, and without knowing I put too much weight on my leg and collapse knocking a lamp down with me multiple rushing footsteps came towards my direction. “Y/N?!” a voice said I looked up to see Jihyo looking down at me and without thinking, picking me up off the floor and bringing me to the couch laying me down.

Jihyo’s POV

 “give her time, of course I’m giving her time but she almost died right in front of me. All I have been doing is giving her time but listen young it’s been 3 days I don’t think she is going to wake up” I said different emotions running through me then fear at the thought of losing the person that has changed my world without trying. The person I have fallen in love with, there was a crash sound rushing out of the kitchen afraid that Phobos decided to finish the job and hurt Y/N, I started running turning the corner I saw a broken lamp and a person sitting next to it curled up in a ball “Y/N?!” I said hoping it’s her. The girls head turned and looked me in the eyes it’s her it’s Y/N and she is on the floor oh, her leg. Without wasting anymore time I pick her up and set her on the couch laying her down “what were you thinking, getting out of bed” I said looking her in the eyes. She mumbled something that we couldn’t hear “what did you say you have to speak up,” I said to her “I said I thought you all left!” she shouted and that shocked me why would we leave her.

Y/N Pov

Jihyo looked me in the eyes then hugged me, I tensed up because that was the first time I have been hugged in a long time “you’re okay though right?” she asked looking to my leg “oh yea I’m fine don’t worry” I said after I said that Mina came in with Chaeyoung holding a crutch each “ah just what the doctor ordered right Jihyo” I said to her smiling and she chuckled a little ‘aw cute’ ms.Right said in my head and I couldn’t help but agree with her ‘oh shut up the both of you’ mr.Left said. Crabby as always left, I said in my head ‘can it you love sick fool’ he said wait love sick who’s love sick it’s definitely not me, but I think back to when Jihyo laughed and my heart started racing and my cheeks started feeling warm. A hand on my forehead snapped me out of my thoughts I open my eyes, wait when did I close them oh nevermind I look in front of me to see Jihyo, with her arm extended far enough for her hand to touch my forehead “your face was red I thought you got sick” she said, sighing in relief. My heart picked up again she was really worried about me and another blush set in on my cheeks. “Um is it okay if we practice for our Feel special come back?” she asked me but she doesn’t have to ask me shes the leader “you don’t have to ask me permission Jihyo you’re the leader” I said to her and Mina and Chaeyoung left the room to go tell everyone else and I smile at their exit and notice they are holding hands and I gushed a little they would make such a cute couple, but before I could lose myself on that train of thought I feel something soft on my cheek and turn my head to see Jihyo blushing a little, I put my hand on my cheek speechless “thank you for letting us practice Y/N” and left the room in a hurry, but one thought kept running circles in my head PARK FIGGIN JIHYO JUST KISSED MY CHEEK. And it was at this time I knew I could die a happy girl. So I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes waiting for sleep to consume me and I await the good dreams to come.

A/N: sorry this chapter took so long I had writers block and a lot of school work. Please don’t hate me. See you next update. 


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