Rainbow Dash

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- Captain of the Wonderbolts after Spitfire retires.
- Still loves reading Daring Do.
- Loves to exercise: morning jogs, weight-lifting on weekends, and carbo-loading before every Wonderbolts event.
- Small jock horse.
- Pen pals with Quibble Pants.
- Has lunch with her parents every other Tuesday. 

Rainbow was made captain of the Wonderbolts, and thus is tasked with training the new pegasi. Unfortunately for Dash, Dumbbell, one of her former childhood bullies, turns out to be one of those newbies. After Dumbbell is made into a full-fledged Wonderbolt, they have a pretty healthy, playful rivalry. Which would most often lead to the two of them trying to outdo each other at events. It takes some time before the two of them start to realize that they actually enjoy their little rivalry with each other, and it takes even longer for them to realize that they have feelings for one another, until, eventually, Pinkie Pie gets fed up and sets the two of them up on a date. It doesn't take too long for them to get married, and shortly after said wedding, Rainbow turns up pregnant with their first foal. (Most of my shipping comes from the beautiful Lopoddity on DeviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/lopoddity)
I headcanon that Rainbow's kids are Aerostorm (Stormy), Phoenix, and Cloudburst.
Dash and Dumbbell still call each other by their old childhood nicknames, like "Crash" and "Dummy" but now, they're less hurtful name calling, and more like pet names.
I imagine that Dash and Bell's ship theme would be "Smile" by Avril Lavigne.

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