Ch 30 | What makes you so sure

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P.o.v. 3rd person

'Dear Rogue

To answer your question in short; no, Yanida hasn't been at the guild in over a good month. But We aren't worried because she's on a mission that we expect will take a while. We do believe she will arrive in a couple of days.

However, receiving your letter does make us worry about her, did something happen that you know off? And if so, please let us know as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Mirajane from Fairy Tail'

When Rogue got the letter, it confirmed everything he feared. He quickly wrote an answer back saying not to worry about her because Sabertooth will be looking into it. Rogue figured it would take too much time for Fairy Tail to arrive, wasting precious time they did not have.

Sting, the exceeds and Rogue were following the few tracks they could find from the thieves. "Why do you think they're going to Arcadia City?" Sting asked trying to fill the silence. Rogue shrugged, checking the map again. It sure looked like they're heading to Arcadia, but why would they take this route? "Do you think they are going to steal something in that little farmer town?" Sting asked looking over Rogue's shoulder, invading his personal space as only a best friend would do. Rogue tried to ignore his friends' annoying attitude and concentrated on the map again, looking at the little town Sting was referring to, something he didn't knowledge before. His eyes grew wide when he read the name; "Takuma Village", they aren't going to... are they?

Sting noticed the change in Rogue's appearance and asked him what's wrong, he shook his head trying to make sense of everything. "When I helped Yanida with her mission we delivered this old book to a man who lived in Takuma Village, the book's called 'fatum'," Rogue answered remembering the mission. "Are you saying that they would steal that book then?" Sting asked rubbing his chin with his right hand.

"Obviously, I'm not sure. But there aren't any magic shops in that town," Rogue answered looking at the horizon. The group continued walking towards their destination, hoping that the thieves were going for the book. It meant that they finally knew beforehand where and why they were going somewhere.

It took them almost all day to reach the immense house that belonged to an entitled old prick, golden hour made the mansion look even more impressive when Rogue and Sting approached it. When they arrived at the front door, it was slightly ajar. The two Sabertooth mages looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes, the latter knitting his brows together when he opened the door more, so he could pass through it. With the others close behind following him, he followed the way to the library because of no other reason than that it was the only way he knew. But if somebody asked him, he would answer with; 'Because if they wanted to steal the book 'Fatum', then the most logical place to go is the Library,'.

When they arrived there, it was safe to say that Rogue was more prepared to defeat giant rats than deal with what he walked into. The butler and his master were tied op, back to back, with cloths in their mouth preventing them to scream out for help. In one swift motion Sting removed the piece of fabric and asked where the thieves have gone; "The back exit," the butler answered, pointing to an open door at the end of the corridor they came from. Rogue and Sting didn't lose any second in sprinting to that very door while Frosch and Lector helped the two gentlemen out of the robes.

The garden seemed to be undisturbed, so the two Sabertooth mages raced each other into the woods at the back of the house. They ran as fast as they could, without going any specific direction they trusted their noses and instincts to lead the way, they were so close now. When arriving a clearing they could make out three clocked individuals on the other side, seeming to be deep in discussion. After serious attempts of Sting and Rogue to approach them as quiet as possible, eventually, their efforts were in vain and the three split up, going each their own way. And to top it off, they all acted as if they hid a book inside their cloak. It was a guessing game to try and follow the person who was holding the actual book they were after.

Book 1 | Enlightened Shadow | Rogue Cheney X OCWhere stories live. Discover now