Yoongi's Annoucements

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"Guys, guys, guys; your never gonna believe what just happened!"

Tae: "judging by the look on your face, I'd say..."

Taekook: "the talk went well"

"It went more than well, we're dating now!! (Excited jumping) i cant believe it"

Jungkook: "well your gonna have to welcome to the "BF club" kid (laughs with the others)"

"Bitch (laughing), just because im short doesnt mean im a kid; your a kid, im older than you"

Jungkook: "listen Jimin-ssi im a hyung now so ha ha ha"

Namjin: "ssh yoongi's about to announce the winners of the contest"

"Ohh great, now they got you guys saying shit in twin voices"

Namjin: "no they didnt"

Taekook: "yes we did (laughs)"

Namjin: "no you guys didnt- (realizes they are talking in twin voices) holy shit we are!!"

Taekook: "told ya, dont worry you'll get used to it (laughs)"

"Omg (slaps hand on face)"

As they go back an forth, i hear yoongi making the winners announcement...

"Shh guys, he's announcing the winners now"


(Crowd)"WOOOOOHOOOO!! (screams)"

Yoongi: "i said MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!"

(Crowd screams louder)

Yoongi: "firstly, i just wanna say thanks for coming out everyone an i hope you had fun tonight (crowd cheers) ok thats good to hear; so lets give a big ass hand to my two friends who was willing to DJ for us tonight, you all know them, you all 'em...STEVE AOKI AN MARSHMELLO!! (Crowd cheers loudly) yes yes they are the best, not as good as me though...im just kidding!! (DJs an crowd laughs) but seriously thank you guys for doing this i appreciate it so much another big hand for them please (crowd cheers)...  

Hearing yoongi making the crowd cheer in excitement makes me so happy an full of energy i love it...

Yoongi: "Ok theres another thing i would like to say, as you all know im not really a big talker or anything...but when its my opinion or when im trying to prove a point thats when you should be scared lol; (crowd cheers an laughs)...(sighs) i wanna thank the most important people in my life, my family, my bestfriends these guys down there, if it wasnt for them this party wouldnt have happened; give a big hand everyone (crowd looks at us; gives high fives, cheers etc.) love you guys "OT7!!" (the guys an me "OT7!!")

One more thing before i say my actual announcement for the couples costume contest; a little while ago, i learned that someone very special to me, had confessed their love for me (crowd in awe) yea i know, i never thought i could be loved but this person does an im proud to say i love 'em too an we're dating now (crowd in bigger awe an cheers; tears coming down my face) an i have a feeling that im gonna be happy forever an ever an ever an forevermore; so please give a bigg hand to my sweet sweet Boyfriend Park Jimin (crowd cheers loudly an proudly in awe) i want you up here with me tonight so get that ass over here, (crowd cheers as i run through the people an up the stairs to yoongi's side) i love you Jimin (me crying happy tears)

"I love you too Yoongi" (crowd is in awe an cheers)

Yoongi: "ok ok wow this night was not supposed to get sappy its about getting down, (crowd: "yea!"), getting crazy, (crowd: "yea!"), an best of all...candy an costumes! (crowd: "yea!"), so the announcement you all been waiting for; the couples costume contest!! (Crowd cheers from low to high with drumrolls); so the winners of the couple costume contest is...(crowd drumrolls) (Yoongi an i read the card together)...

Yoonmin: "TAEKOOK!! DRESSED AS HARLEY QUINN AN THE JOKER!!!" (crowd cheers wildly while taekook walks up the stairs)

Yoongi: "come on up guys, congrats on being the winners of the contest, here are your medals (gives medals to taekook) hey guys come up here (the others come while crowd is cheering); (all the guys: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!; crowd repeats back "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

"Lets party! Everyone!!"

(Crowd cheers: "yeaaa!!! an music starts again)

"Hey yoongi!!"

Yoongi: "yes baby?!!!"

(Mouths the words): "i love you"

Yoongi then kisses me on the lips infront of everyone an they loved it the crowd went wild. Then after the kiss, i yelled...


(Crowd: "WOOOHOOOO!!")

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