Chapter 5

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The next day, Edward Cullen wasn't in school. Bella was relieved, especially when it came to be time for Biology and the seat next to her was occupied by Angela, who was quickly reclaiming the title of Bella's best friend like the intervening years had never happened. Bella looked around the classroom, almost expecting Edward to be hiding in a back corner, waiting to kill her. She had seen his enraged face in her nightmares the night before, and she had been afraid of seeing him again today.

"So," Bella murmured, not looking up at Angela.


"Does Edward Cullen often miss school?"

"Yes and no," Angela answered. Bella finally looked up at her. "Dr. Cullen is really big into hiking, so when the sun's out the entire family skips school and the Dr. takes off from work. They go camping. Probably super cool, honestly."

Bella looked outside. It was just as cloudy and rainy as ever. "It's not sunny today."

Angela laughed. "No, it is not. Now that you mention it, I've never seen any of the Cullen's skip school alone. He must be sick."

Bella nodded. "Yeah, that's probably it. No big deal." Bella didn't say anything else, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was her fault. As science came closer and closer to ending, Bella started to feel antsy. Their English class was coming up, and she had seen Rosalie across the cafeteria today. She couldn't wait to see her, to talk to her. Calm down, don't make it weird. You're being a freak, she told herself in her head.

Bella saw Rosalie as soon as she walked into the classroom. Her heart beat a drum line in her chest, and a small smile graced her face. Part of her had worried that Rosalie wouldn't be here today, even though she had seen her at lunch. Bella walked quietly and carefully to the seat next to Rosalie, taking it silently. She wanted to see if she could scare the girl. Bella got ready to yell, 'Boo!'

"Good afternoon Bella, Angela."

Bella let her head fall back and her shoulders sink in disappointment. "How do you do that?"

Rosalie turned to face Bella and Angela. "I told you, super hearing."

"She's a superhero Bella, jeez." Angela rested her hand on her palm and smiled at the two of them.

"Superhero, supervillain, whatever." Rosalie added.

Bella raised one eyebrow. "Are you two ganging up on me?"

Angela reached towards Rosalie, her hand in a fist. Rosalie eyed it for a moment, then mimicked the motion and fist-bumped Angela. "Yes, it seems we are."

Bella grabbed her notebook and pencil and started to stand up. "That's it, I'm done with you two."

"Where you gonna go?" Angela asked, laughing.

Bella looked around and realized the only seats in the room that were still empty were directly in front of Rosalie and directly behind Rosalie. "Shit," Bella said loudly, sitting back down.

"Ms. Swan, we watch out language in my classroom," Mr. Berty said from the front of the room.

"Sorry, Mr. Berty," Bella said while glaring at her desk. Her cheeks burned while students snickered at her.

"Angela, I hate you."

"What?" Angela whispered from behind her. "Why just me? Shouldn't you hate Rosalie too?"

"That would only be fair," Rosalie agreed with a straight face, without ever taking her eyes off Mr. Berty while he started his lecture.

"Jury's still out. Don't push me." Bella's cheeks burned hotter. Bella tried to keep focused on Mr. Berty, but she felt like she was being watched. When the teacher turned around Bella looked slyly at Rosalie, trying to be inconspicuous. She failed. She locked eyes with Rosalie, who was already looking at her. Bella cleared her throat and looked away. Bella's phone buzzed in her pocket. She slid it out just enough so she could read the message on the front. It was from Angela, who was saved in her phone as 'Nerd Queen.' It was a gif from The Notebook, of Fin looking at Noah and Allie. The caption simply read, Do you guys love each other?

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