Seeing the Future

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"Good night everyone!" Hosuh said.

It was a little early to go to bed, but they had just finished recording a video, and for some reason, it really tired him out.

"G'night Hosuh." Stephen replied.

"Yeah, night Hosuh!" Dan yelled.

Hosuh smiled, he always felt so lucky to have such great friends. He loved being able to hang out with them every day.

Hosuh opened the door to his room. He got dressed into pajamas, and laid down on the bed. Just laying there, he felt himself to start to drift off into the tides of sleep.

"Hey Hosuh, I'm going out, do you wanna come with?"

"Oh, sure Stephen."

Hosuh got around ready, and headed out to the car that Stephen had already started up.

"So where are we going?"

"There's a small coffee shop somewhere on xxxxxx street. I wanted to go check it out."

"Sounds like fun."

It didn't take too long to get there, fifteen minutes at most. The café was cozy, with a "home" type of feel.

"Look over the menu, and I'll get you what you want."

Hosuh looked over the menu, everything looked great, but one certain item caught his eye. The "Strawberry Sweetheart frappe" a drink particular to this coffee shop. Hosuh scanned the information about the drink.

He was about to ask to get it when something stopped him. The words "For Couples" in big bold letters showed in the description of he drink.

Hosuh sighed, and continued to look through the menu.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to get this drink," Hosuh pointed to the drink he wanted. "But it's for couples."

"Hmm... Here I got an idea."

Stephen grabbed Hosuh's hand and walked up to the counter.

"Hi! How can I help you?" A really feminine woman asked.

"Hi, we would like the Strawberry Sweetheart Frappe, please." Stephen said.

"Oh! Are you two a couple? Aww, that's so cute. Coming right up!"

"See, there you go."

"B-B-But," Hosuh flushed. "We're not a couple!" He whisper-shouted at Stephen.

"Eh, it's fine. C'mon, follow me."

Hosuh followed Stephen to a booth. Hosuh continued to pout about the fact that they had to lie to get the drink he wanted.

"Here you two go!"

The drink they received was, to put it in simple terms, spectacular. There was whipped cream with heart sprinkles and Strawberries on top. Strawberry syrup made up medium sized hearts, even the two straws in the drink were intertwined and made (can you guess?) a heart.

Stephen x Hosuh One Shots (MAYBE CONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now