Chapter 1: Precipice

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Why was this happening?

Hadn't she bore enough hardship already? Her parents had been in a plane crash when she was just five years old, the same age her son was now.

After their passing she had no choice but to live with her Uncle; he cared for her immensely and tried all he could to fill the void her father left. Like everybody good to her in life, he also was ripped away from her. She didn't even have time to mourn his passing; she had to work until she was so tired she couldn't stand just to feed herself and pay his medical bills.

Under her breath, she cursed whatever entity it was that wrote the tragedy that was her life. It was clear complimenting it wouldn't win her any brownie points.

On a dirty street corner, she stood with a blue suitcase with waves embroidered on it, holding the tiny hand of her son. They were on the sidewalk of some New York avenue she did not know the name of. People passed by without sparing her a second glance. Her appearance was the dead opposite of her usual vibrant and sociable exterior.

Two heavy black bags weighed down her blue eyes. The silky brown hair she'd always prided herself in looked like a rat's nest, it was unbrushed and strewn all over. She still wore her work clothes, not even yet changing.

"Mommy," Fussed her son, pulling down on her hand. Her attention went toward him.

He had on a black jacket about twice his size; a keepsake of his great Uncle. On his head was a beanie with aquatic animals she had knitted for him. His sea-green eyes beamed at her, her baby boy's bright eyes always calmed her nerves. At least for a time, before the harshness of reality came back like a wrecking ball.

He was becoming so much like his father. If only he ever came to see him. If only he came... maybe he'd arrive in a suit of armor on horseback and save her from this dreadful reality.

She started to trail off in thought but another tug at her sleeve from her son brought her back. Percy looked afraid, he'd never been out at this time of night.

"Percy, it's okay. I promise we'll both be all right," she told him, putting a hand on his cheek and planting a kiss on his pale forehead.

She spoke as if she was trying to convince herself more so than her son. There was nowhere for them to go, a shelter maybe, but she did not think any would have room for a grown woman and a small child. Her savings had already hit zero before the week began.

They'd been thrown out of the apartment they were living in because the owner doubled the rent after their lease expired. As far as she was concerned, he was an insufferable greedy goblin with beady eyes. He even insinuated at one point they could remain for the month if she performed 'favors' for him.

It made her so mad she could bury her head in a pillow and scream, but breaking down in front of Percy was something she could never do. For him, she had to remain strong. Without her, he'd be alone in this cold, dark world. When she was orphaned at least there was someone to take her in.

She had to raise Percy into a man with good morals. He didn't need to have a high-paying career or be the hero his father wants him to be. Her work would be complete if he grew up into a charitable and loving adult. But how could she do that all alone? He did not even have a male role model.

Beside her, he had nobody, his father had already told her he couldn't be in his life in any substantial way. It angered her he could all but abandon his child, along with the women he professed to love. But she couldn't stay mad at him for long.

The resentment she held toward him passed with time. She grew aware of her own stupidity. She fell in love with a Greek God, what was it she expected? He was a being thousands of years old; the ocean was his home, and the land was hers. No matter the sincere feelings the two shared, destiny would never allow them to raise a child together.

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