Mysterious kiss!

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OMG! ! Singto?? The handsome student is Singto! !! Oh God who expect that ugly duckling  is really this handsome. (Everybody gets excited along with Krist and his gang)

Singto and M walked out from the class as usual suddenly M got a phone call ...

"Singto I have an urgent matter to settle you leave first I will join you later ok?" M said

Singto nodded his head and they walked away. Singto suddenly remember that he want to return a book so he headed to the library at the same time Krist and his friends were going to the cafe to have their breakfast bright and tootah kept talking about Singto and his handsome face they both argue about having Singto as their boyfriend their quarell become louder and louder ...

"Shut up you..." Krist shout with anger (he don't want them to talk about his man LOL. ..)

"Hey Krist ,why are you getting angry ? What happen man ? " Knot asked.

"I am not angry but I don't want to hear about him often it make me mad, I don't know why ?" Krist said

Singto returned his book and he wait for M then both of them went to have breakfast .

"Hey guys look who is here it's our handsome , Wow he really is a perfect man with his looks and personality everyone want a boyfriend like him " tootah said

"Hey I will kick your ass you .... " Krist said with anger and he approach Singto with high temper while Singto gets scared by Krist and he walk behind M .

Suddenly Krist pulled Singto from the back and kissed him in the lips . Singto become frozen and everyone in the cafe got shocked along with M and Krist's friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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