One || A Little Less Conversation

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She walked into the gym of Karasuno, looking around seeing that someone had set up the net and ball bins already, but no one was around. Even after she called out a greeting she got nothing in return.

Setting her bag down inside the door, she slipped out of her shoes and into her volleyball sneakers. The girls would be due to arrive any minute, and while they had trouble playing volleyball, they had no problems being on time. They were all actually very good at that.

With some urging, (y/n) had even managed to persuade some Karasuno first years to come and try out for the club. In hindsight, taking them to go watch the boys team first would've been a better idea, especially with their number nine and ten combo move. She hoped her influence as a third year from Nekoma would be enough for now.

She'd managed to reach the ball bins when the doors opened again, and in stepped the girls. Nozomi came in first, followed by their actual captain, Rinko, and thereafter was Moe and Manami. The team had lost three members - all third years - and it meant they were in desperate need to get more members if they wanted to compete.

What (y/n) wouldn't give to have someone like Hinata suddenly join the team.

"(l/n)-senpai, you made it!" Nozomi said, running up to take (y/n)'s hands in hers. She did like the senior from the time spent in Nekoma.

"Please, 'senpai' makes me feel old and weird. If you're going to use titles, 'san' is fine." (y/n) said with a laugh, turning her attention to all the girls, who were all already changed and ready to practice. "While we wait for any others and your new Coach you should all practice. No time should go to waste." She moved from Nozomi to pick a ball out of the ball bin. "Any of you remember that special dig I taught you in Nekoma last month?"

They ignored her question. 

"We're getting a Coach!"

"Why're the lights on in the other gym?" Nishinoya said, pressing himself closer to the window as if that'd get him answers faster

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"Why're the lights on in the other gym?" Nishinoya said, pressing himself closer to the window as if that'd get him answers faster. Others followed soon after, even Asahi.

"Maybe basketball is practicing late?" Suga suggested, subtly trying to look over the mass of heads. Tanaka laid back, sulking next to Daichi who stood further away.

"You wanna know why the lights are on, Daichi?" he asked, coming up to lean over Daichi's shoulder.

"Stop being so weird Tanaka."

"Since you insisted, I heard from one of my classmates that the girls volleyball team are practicing, and looking for new members." Tanaka said, speaking loud enough for the whole room to hear.

"Oh yeah, I remember," Takeda thought aloud, "That captain from Nekoma came to me yesterday and asked if I could look for a coach for them."

"Kuroo asked you to do that?" Kagayama said, struck with a wave of disbelief. Daichi too was confused, but managed to not look like an idiot.

"No, the girl. (l/n). She's very nice. Even recommended some old Nekoma players that she knew who were looking for jobs." The room gave noises of understanding. (y/n) made more sense, but why they were so late still confused them.

"But what are they doing so late?" Hinata said, mirroring Noya's position against the window.

"Think real hard about why we're here so late, and then ask yourself that question again." Tsukishima droned. Hinata thought, Daichi could almost see his brain working from halfway across the gym, and his face lit up.

"Practicing!" then he frowned again, "But the girls team doesn't practice."

"They do now." a new voice chimed. The boys turned to the door. There stood (y/n). "We need to borrow number nine and ten. Some of our newbies are a bit underwhelmed and I want to show them how good they could be."

Kagayama and Hinata almost sprinted out the door at the girls request, but Daichi spoke too soon.

"They're practicing too -"

"- And they cant practice in front of the girls? -"

"- Can't you teach them something else? You're a good player, you can do that -"

"- Without my team? I don't know why you're so against it, Daichi. It's a win win."

The two spoke fast, clashing off each other like a ball in a tennis game. Tsukishima was having a great time watching, and honestly so was everyone else, but Suga saw another couple heads poke in to watch from behind the door.

"Daichi, maybe we've practiced enough today. We have it again tomorrow, the girls could join then?" Suga said, stepping up behind Daichi, sending (y/n) a smile, and her demeanor changed to less aggravated.

"Sounds okay to me." she said, looking back at the heads poking out of the door-frame. They disappeared when (y/n) caught them, and footsteps were heard walking back along the side of the gym.

Daichi nodded, agreeing somewhat to Suga's proposition, and (y/n) stepped back out to head to her gym with the other girls.

He had no idea why he did that. (y/n) was nice, all she wanted was Kageyama and Hinata to show the team their trick shot, and he got riled up about it.

Next time, he thought, he'd have to speak a lot less. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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