A long road ahead

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You slowly open your eyes. The first image you see is Toshi hanging upside down with his legs still on your grey sofa and his upper body on the floor.

You slowly turn your aching neck in the other direction.

Somewhere on your left, you see Mayu snoring peacefully on a pink body pillow picturing her anime boyfriend.Her golden hair is floating softly and her eyelids are a bit lifted." Scary!" you tell yourself.

Finally, your last guest, Isobe, Mayu's boyfriend, lies on the Monopoly board. "So much for that board..." You then sluggishly lift your body and yawn. Seeing a movie was still rolling on the TV screen makes you giggle to yourself.

How did you end up sleeping downstairs in front of a turned on TV?

Quite simply. Your parents and little sister were gone visiting your grandparents from your dad's side. As they were living quite far away and you weren't very eager to see them criticising your dad for marrying your mum, your dad allowed you to invite some close friends for an overnight party not to let you home alone.

The previous day, the four of you decided not to sleep. The excitement of some board games worn out after aproximately two hours, the hero games after breaking a plate and well, as for the movies...

" So much for that no sleep night!" you tell yourself. But than you realise that it was ten o'clock. It was at that moment that you knew, you screwed up.

" Yagi, Watanabe, Sato, wake up! Geez we are sooo late!"

Mayu rolls over and screams, Isobe bangs his head into the wall and Toshi opens his blue eyes and gives you a confused look.

" Dear! shouts Mayu. We overslept!!!My parents are going to kill me!" says she while starting to chaotically use her quirk.

For the record, Mayu's quirk is darkness. Despite her innocent face, her golden hair and her rosy chicks, she creates a dark matter that lets the enemy ( or the friend) blind for three minutes.

She can't quite control this quirk and it acctivates when she is scared or stressed. It's a defensive sistem that resembles calamar's ink. As Isobe was already stuned by her ink, you choose to act first.

"Please stop!" You say while you suffocate the Dark thing with heavy courtains of water. " We are not being efficient!"

However,Toshi is already up and grabbing his phone.

"I'll call a cab or something!" Than he starts laughing." It's Saturday, girls and boy! We have no school today!"

All of you start laughing and while Mayu and Sato go back to sleep, you and Toshinori go on the terrace.

He is by far your best friend and you two tend to seek for places where there is only the two of you. Mayu is cool and Sato is good fun, but you two have something special.

"Let's go on the roof, Yagi!" you exclaim.

"That's a wonderful idea!" he says smiling.

You create a huge hand made out of water and place yourself and Toshi on the roof.

The whole neighbourhood shows itself in front of your eyes. It's almost afternoon so not that many people are on the streets, especially in that house district. The glow of your street has its stange, mechanic magic...

You become quite dreamy and put your head on Toshi's shoulders.There is a strange feeling of safety and melancholy surrounding your home...The flow of your life is filling your everything and starts to melt reality. Drifting into the past comes as a lazy river and covers you slowly. Life...Your life...

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