ch 1

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Tweek felt bad.

The looks of his friends and boyfriend faces made him feel worse. No he didn't do anything bad, well....kinda...

Tweek and Craig, you know, have been dating for as long as elementary. It was fine, everyone was happy. No one minds there happy relationship. But, that was a long time ago.

But now, in middle school, people change. Some people change there view on craig and tweek relationship.

But tweek noticed that they didn't say anything bad about there relationship, just him. And it made him feel excluded.

Back then when those 8 graders will talk shit and spill all there nonsense about tweek, his friends would jump up and make the 8 graders leave and comfort him.

But right now....

"God, I can't belive your friends with him!"

"Look at him! He's so..."

"Haha good luck dealing with a crackhead like him!"

The 8 graders walked away, laughing there ass off,leaving a shaken up tweek.

Tweek turned around and noticed that Clyde, Token,  Thomas and Jimmy began to walk away.

Craig sighed and reach out his hand for tweek. "C,mon tweek let's go"

Tweek flinched, he's so used to craig calling him tweekers, or honey or, or!

Is it me? Tweek asked himself, it's because of there relation ship. It's there relationship that's causing all this trouble!

Tweek breath in and out, he..he knows what he has to do. He's not gonna like it,'s for the best.

"Tweek?" Craig asked.
"O-oh sorry"

Tweek grabed Craigs hand and the boy began to walk after the group.

I have to do this

Tweek smiled and held on to craig tighter.

But let me enjoy it while I still can.
Tweek did not expect this.

No not at all.

He came here to break up with craig, to make things better! This shouldn't happen! Why is this happening!?

"W-what do you mean!? Ack! Why -tch!- can't we be friends anymore!" Tweek choked out, his eyes blurring with tears. They all couldn't look at tweek, it hurt them too to see him crying.

"I-I, We broke up -Ack!- with eachother to make the 8 graders stop! I didnt - I didnt-"


Tweek stoped yelling but he couldn't stop his sobs and twitches.

" wasn't our relationship that made the 8 graders bother was you" Craig spoke, he sounded sympathetic but that didn't help tweek at all. It just hurt more.


The group finally manage to turn around to face tweek. "We're sorry tweek...but it's true" Token said, his voice was below a whisper.

"Tweek, You'll always be somone I love but...I've been feeling things for Thomas and..."


Craig jolted and turned around to be faced to face with Thomas. Everyone stayed silent.

Thomas took a big sigh at took small steps to tweek. Tweek backed away as more tears began to spill.

"Tweek..-shit-" Thomas sighed and looked away as if he was hurt.

Why the fuck is HE acting hurt!? I'M hurt! Tweek thought, his anger kicking in.

Tweek I'm sorry but-"


He couldn't so this anymore. He can't take this. The sound of his stomping echoed through the empty school hallways. Silence soon fell after, adding more tension to the group.

"Let's go guys" Craig said and began to walk away with Thomas. The group followed,

Craig and Thomas walked close, there hands brushing together. There figers interwind, and they both held on tight.

It felt right....

But not the same..

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