Part 73

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** Three days later **
• February 14, 2022 •

Harry had convinced me to stay. Well, practically forced me to. But, he made some good arguments. If I left, I wouldn't have anywhere to go. And I didn't have enough money to sustain myself for very long even if I found a place..

Right now it's around three in the afternoon. Harry's been in the studio all week, and got today off to spend with me. We've been hanging around the house all day, listening to all his records, talking about a lot of different things.

"You see the shelf on the left?"He asked from on the couch. He was lying under a blanket, while I was attempting to switch the records. "Yeah."I replied. "It's the third one from the right."He stated. I pulled it out, looking at it, before putting it on the record player..

I stood back up and walked over, taking my place next to him on the couch. He threw his legs back across mine and went back to staring at the ceiling as the record began to play.. He never seemed to get tired of listening to music. And, so far I hadn't either. It was sort of fun to spend the day listening to all his records with him. Well, most of them; he has quite a few.

I shivered, grabbing the blanket he was using and pulling it over my legs as well. He laughed at me, and then went back to listening to the song that was on..

I liked watching him while he listened to these old records. It was entertaining in its own way. He was so entranced by all of it, and it made him happy.


At around 8PM, we ate dinner, watched a movie and then at midnight we went into our separate rooms and went to bed..

** 3:47AM **

I woke up, instantly sitting up, my heart racing, my legs sweating. I didn't remember what it was about, but I'd had another nightmare. I cut the lamp on, looking around my room, listening intently. But the house was silent. No one was here.

I slowly laid back down, and stared at the ceiling for an hour. My mind was going through the last few weeks. I realized that I'd been rude to Harry, and immediately felt bad about it. I hadn't felt bad about it at the time. Not at all. But, it's like all that built up and was hitting me now..

I sighed, deciding I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, and got up. I showered, brushed my teeth, washed my face and changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white shirt.

It was now around 5:15AM, and I still couldn't stop hating myself for how mean I'd been to him when he was just trying to talk to me and tell me how he felt. I ran a hand through my wet hair and made the decision to go apologize to him..

I walked out of my room and down the hall, quietly opening his door. I walked in and froze where I was, confused. He wasn't there.

I checked the time on my phone. 5:20AM. He should be here. I checked his bathroom, and then went downstairs. I relaxed, seeing him knocked out on the couch.

His phone was lying on the table and the tv was on, but muted. I walked over, hesitating, not knowing if it was ok to wake him. He'd likely come down here, not able to sleep..

I went back and forth about it, and finally sat down next to where he was lying. He let out a small groan, and mumbled a few things. I ran a hand through my hair, not sure what was going on with me. My brain wouldn't stop going back and forth with anything and everything..

His hand slid off his chest, and I saw the cut on his hand. It wasn't a scar yet. But it would become one with time.. It brought me actual pain seeing that. It brought back the memories of Bradley. I'd wanted to go back to him earlier in my time here, and told Harry I didn't want to see him get hurt because of me.. And then he did.

I forced myself to look away, my mind going in circles over everything. His phone buzzed and I glanced over at it. It was Jeff, texting him.

Me being my nosy-self, read the text before the phone could turn back off. "Just got your messages. I told you, you need to get her out of your place. As you said, she's distracting you and..."The message cut off there, and the screen turned black. I looked back over at Harry, who was still asleep.

I was distracting him? I bit my lip, not sure what to do anymore.. I quietly got up and went into the kitchen, grabbing a sheet of paper and managing to find a pen.


By the time you read this, I'll be long gone.. I wanted you to know that you were right about the personality thing the doctor was talking about. I'm sorry for being so mean to you before, and hope I didn't hurt you too much. And I'm sorry to have been such a burden on you; I never wanted to distract you from your life. You were never supposed to get hurt, and it's my fault that you did. Thank you for everything you've done for me. You stuck by me through some of my roughest moments. I appreciate it more then you could ever know. Please don't come after me. I want you to live your own life, without me. It's just easier that way. It's what's best for you.

I love you,


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