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"hajime!" a soft yet raspy voice shouted, slamming the door open. it was komaeda. "yes komaeda?" hajime asked, looking at the other. "..i well-" komaeda mumbled, walking towards the brunet.

"you alright?" he asked, patting the albino's hair. "..yeah..., but! i wanted to tell you something..!" the albino male said.

 "?" hajime tilted his head slightly. komaeda felt nervous, but breathed in and out, calming himself. 

"..i... like you!" he confessed, his face harshly reddened. hajime chuckled and smiled, "..oh komaeda..." the brunet said, then sweetly kissing the albino.

"..!" komaeda gasped, surprised. somehow, he choked during the kiss, since the brunet had suddenly kiss him. hajime immediately pulled back when he did so. he chuckled, "are you okay??" he asked, still laughing softly at komaeda.

"y-yeah-" the albino nodded, blushing hard after what he had done. "..embarrassed?" the brunet asked, cupping his cheek.

 komaeda nodded, then feeling the warmth of the other's hand. "let's try again then..," hajime said. this time komaeda kissed him instead, passionately. looking into the brunet's grullo coloured eyes, lovingly. the brunet did the same, looking into the albino's silver chalice eyes. 

after a few moments later, hajime puled back, smiling softly as he pant from the long kiss while komaeda did the same. "..i love you.." hajime said, komaeda then looked down, a smile formed on his lips. 

"i love you too"

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