-Hungry Vampire Newbe-

28 1 0

Bella PV
As I was in the car I could smell all the humans hearts around me it was really weird I never felt this before maybe because I didn't pay that much attention

Bella-Will these cravings end as soon as i feed ?

Cole-Oh..You've got your craving that's good that means your hungry do you hear there heart beats ??

Bella-Shut up because know I can rip your throat out

Cole-Yeah if you can get to me but I don't want to play know because I am hungry

As Cole parks the car I jump out and grab someone and take them down into the ally

Bella-What's your name?

Stefan-My name is Stefan Salvator and get off me ! God you do need help to keep a low profile but unluckily I can't help you because I drink animal blood

Bella-Hey you go school here right ?

Cole-I've been looking all over for you

Bella-Meet me here 12 dead on not a second late *Whispers*

Stefan-Okay bye*Whispers*

Stefan is gone another person is here I then hear there heart beat

Cole-Eat him but use your compulsion afterward you don't want the word speeded love around here.

Bella-Fine I'll do it after..

My fangs point out and I pull his neck and start feeding it's lovely I hear the heart beat slow down and I pull away and compel the boy to forget and say it was a Halloween demo of a vampire bite


Bella-More I want more!...
I feel an arge to pull him back and suck the living out if him but my wolf says "NO!"
I ditch my wolf and chase after him and suck the life out if him hearing his beat go down didn't slip though my mind I then sucked him dry he was lovely I then put him down and looked up to see Cole standing over me

I push him off and say

Bella-Ewww... hahahhah,Can you remember going to school being normal and nothing was ever like this

Cole-Not really I was born ages ago so yes they wasn't any school invented

Bella-Well I do running around playing football,girls crying over drama boys laughing because it's stupid

Cole-Well I do remember some like when I kissed a girl and she kicked me in the balls?!

He says smirking

Bella-Ouch!That would of been funny but painful

Klaus-I wasn't bothered about school only football

Bella-Come on I want a drink like a non human version I want 5 shots!!
As we walk in a group of boys wolf whistle at me I then say

Bella-Get me my shot glasses and then I'll be over ...

I walk over and I see an old friend Carter !

Carter-You look hot !

Bella-Don't say that you D**K!

Carter-Ohh gonna kiss te pain away or too pussy to kiss a boy

Bella-I'll show ya how it's don't Carty
I kiss his and he kisses me back were like kissing for 4 minuets and compel

Bella-Go home and sleep beware if the roads though

Carter+Boys-Okay we will go home and sleep
Then the boys are gone I then walk over

Klaus-Let me guess you weren't a kisser ? Suprise??

Bella-Nope.I only let special people do that
I then lean in and kiss Klaus then I take all my shots and take three more to realise it's 12 I then say I'm going to the lady's room
Klaus's PV
As she walks off I turn back to Cole and Cole says
Cole-If you love her I do to but I would share but..
Klaus- I don't do sharing she's mine no matter what
Rebekka-let me guess this is over Bella,Bella is being called you guys need to come back outside there's eyes like yellow eyes
Klaus-Will be right there GET BACK KNow!!Cole go find Bella
Bella's PV
I walk down to the all and there he is Stefan Salvator but it wasn't him

Demon-What do you want with my brother

Bella-hi my names Bella and your brother knows a witch friend if mine called Bonnie I was wondering if you knew where she is

Demon-Where about do u live

Bella-milkison house

Demon-Okay I'll knock for you at 4:30 tomorrow be reddy I don't do waiting

Bella-Okay bye De..Mon

Cole-Quick we need to leave


I run all the way back home and run into the house to see blood paw print all over the white tiles I walk into Bessie's room with Rebekka layout down with loads of bite marks like Bessie's. I bite my wrist open and pour it into Bessie's mouth but it won't work but klaus does it and the woulds heal I pack Bessie and mine bags and klaus says

Klaus-I have to get them out if here alive there after something keep an eye out



Klaus lifts Bessie up with me following behind and leaves us at a big house

Demon-Stefan we have guests

Stefan-Come in why are you here you shouldn't be here the wolfs are looking for you Bessie

Bella-She got attacked and we got told to stay in room 16 you know your spear room seeing as this is the only place I can stay

Demon-You can stay in my room


Bessie-Demon can you sleep with me ?

Demon-Okay but go and get dressed in the room over there

Bessie-Okay demon .

Bessie skips off into the other room


Demon-Does that mean I also get it bed with you ?

Bella-Keep wishing

Stefan-Brother leave her !

Demon-Don't tell me you love her too ?

Klaus-Well unforturetly she isn't Katherine and she doesn't share

Rebekka-Getting a bit jelous

Bella is standing next to Stefan out if view of the others

Bella-*Whispers* Show me your room


Bella-*Whisper*C'mon then

Me and Stefan walk up the stairs and push him onto the bed and kiss him

Bella-See you at school text me
Stefan's PV

She walks out of my room and I look at my arm she cut her phone number in out I quickly write it down before it heals

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