Part 5

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Within thirty minutes each woman was sitting in her own go-kart, ready to start the race. They had strategically attached blown up bright red balloons to the highly polished floor, creating a track that led around the store starting at the arcade and ending there. The rules stated that for every balloon that they broke (if any) they would have to talk about themselves non-stop for one minute. Originally, Skylar didn't like this rule since she was positively sure that she would bust a few balloons, but Kori, who unknowingly had the other woman wrapped around her little finger got her way.

The first woman to successfully complete the course and make it to the finish line would receive a prize from the other. Skylar, of course, wanted a drawing from her new friend. Thinking that Skylar needed to loosen up just a tad bit more (okay, tad bit might have been an understatement) Kori came up with the idea for her to perform karaoke if she won the race. Skylar wanted to object to that since she had never excelled at singing, but one look at that adorable pleading face and she couldn't say no. No doubt about it, the little one was dangerous for her. Skylar just hadn't decided whether that was a bad or good thing.

Looking across to the blonde, Kori graced her with a broad grin. She knew that she had an advantage since Skylar had never driven a go-kart before and she planned on exploiting that. She fully intended to win this race with little if any competition and then Skylar would owe her a song. Yes, she was bad. Very bad.

"You ready?" she asked, her hands already gripping the steering wheel.

Skylar nodded. "As I'll ever be." Kori had shown her how to operate the go-kart and she'd taken a practice drive around the course before they put the balloons down, so hopefully she wouldn't make a complete fool of herself. She would have crossed her fingers for luck, but then it would have been even more difficult to drive. Plus, the finger-crossing method had never seemed to work for Skylar.

"Okay, on the count of three we'll go."

Kori started the countdown when she was interrupted. "Wait a minute. Do we go after you say three or during the utterance of three?"

A faint smile touched Kori's lips. The blonde looked as serious and focused as a participant in the Indy 500 would be. "After."

Nodding, Skylar asked her to restart counting before returning her attention to the 'road'. One, two, three, and they were off!

It didn't take long before the race was over and of course, Kori was the champion. She showed what great sportsmanship she had by jumping out of her go-kart and dancing around it as she whooped, hollered and gave herself a few rousing high-fives. A couple of minutes later, a smirking Skylar pulled up to the woman jumping across the floor like a few hot potatoes were rolling around in her pajama bottoms. Suddenly thinking about it, she reminded herself to clean up the bit of mess she created while careening through aisle three, hardwares. Some hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, and nails were currently taking up residence on the floor.

Leaning back in her go-kart, Skylar folded her arms over her chest as she watched the other woman in amusement. Finally, Kori finished her happy dance and turned toward the blonde with a triumphant smile on her face. When she made it a point to inform Skylar that she had won, she earned another smirk along with a brief nod.

"Yes, I realize that you did." Unfolding her arms, Skylar pointed an accusing finger. "Though you know it was unfair."

"Unfair?" Kori looked as innocent as a newborn lamb. At least she attempted to. "How so? I think I won fair and square."

"It was unfair because I've never raced before. You had an advantage over me."

The smaller woman shrugged. "Tough luck, Doc."

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