Chapter 3

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The carrot and macadamia nut cake was delicious.

It was a very pleasant evening; the two sisters spent dinner telling stories and enjoying the quality of their loved ones.

Often during the evening, Elsa caught Kristoff and Anna exchanging loving glances and holding each other's hands. She would regard these gestures of affection, smile warmly, but say nothing.

When it was time to retire for the night, Anna begged Elsa to spend the night in her bedchambers.

"For old times sake!" pleaded Anna. "It will be like when we were kids!"

Elsa made a face, then laughed. "I don't think your husband would much appreciate that, Anna!"

Anna waved off her concern. "He can sleep in the guest bedroom! I don't get you that often, Elsa. I MISS you."

Elsa smiled. "Aww...I missed you, too. But...not tonight, okay?"

Anna frowned and pouted emphatically. Elsa put a consolatory hand on her sister's head and gently lifted her head. "We'll hang out all day tomorrow. Now go: spend your night with Kristoff."

"Okay, fine," Anna said, still in a sulky mode. "Come on, 'husband' - let's go to bed."

Kristoff exhaled. "It's fine. No, really - I don't mind being the consolation prize. I'm used to it by now. Anyway - night, Elsa."

"Good night, Prince Kristoff," Elsa teased.

Kristoff flinched and turned to shake his finger at Elsa in mock outrage. "Very funny."

Elsa was left alone in the great hallway. Though the castle used to be her home, it only took a few months to no longer feel a connection to the place.

Sure, the Enchanted Forest felt more like a home, but still...

Despite all she had been through, despite all the changes in her life, she didn't feel like she belonged anywhere.

She looked out a nearby window; the full moon was out. A light breeze was picking up outside. She took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Tomorrow is a new day. You're with your sister. You do belong. You do."

She repeated the mantra in her head as she walked to her bedroom. Perhaps if she repeated it enough times, she would eventually believe it...


Elsa woke abruptly to the sound of glass shattering. She sat up and saw that her window was broken; the curtains were whipping about violently.

She ran over to the window and looked outside; gone was the clear sky, the moon was totally blocked out by threatening black clouds. The gentle zephyr had transformed into a powerful windstorm, complete with torrential rain.

"Where did this storm come from?" thought Elsa, backing away from the window. "Anna..."

She ran out of the bedroom and down the hall, where she met with Lieutenant Matthias and several of the soldiers. They looked visibly worried.

"I've never seen winds like this before," he remarked. "Even before being trapped in the Enchanted Forest, I'd never seen a hurricane hit Arendelle."

Elsa looked down and shook her head. "This isn't a hurricane."

"Your Highness?"

There was a loud, frightened scream coming from the distance. The Lieutenant blanched. "The Queen..."

"Anna!" Elsa continued running down the hall.

"The Royal chambers are upstairs!" Lieutenant Matthias called out to her.

Elsa didn't waste her time on the stairs; as soon as she reached the stairwell she used her powers to ascent rapidly upward to the top floor of the castle. Just as her feet hit the ground she heard more screaming, inter-spliced with the sound of more crashing glass. Anna's bedroom was on the opposite side of a long corridor flanked on both sides by tall windows.

She sprinted through, conjuring a shield made of ice to block the glass that ran down around her. She was nearly blown out one of the last windows, but used her ice powers to create makeshift glass.

She opened the door just as Kristoff was slammed hard against the wall near the entrance, knocking him out cold.

"Kristoff?" The room was hazy, with a faint tinge of smoke in the air. She looked to the bed; the curtains of the large four-poster bed thrashed about wildly.

There was no sign of Anna.

Another scream rang through the air, its source coming from the cracked, open window next to the bed. Immediately, Elsa ran to the opening.

The scene outside was unreal; the sky was alive with winds blowing every which direction.


Elsa looked up to the sky. At first, she saw nothing; then clouds appeared to change their shape so that they transformed into a massive grey dragon. Clutched in one of its talons was a terrified Anna.

"Help me!!!!" she cried, holding out her hands futilely.

Elsa exited the castle through the window and free climbed to its highest point with the aid of her ice abilities. When she was at the very top she made an ice platform and ran up its length so she could reach the dragon.

The dragon spotted her before she could get close enough. It opened its mouth and breathed a barrage of smog onto Elsa.

Elsa inhaled the full effect of the smog; she coughed and collapsed, falling off the ice platform and crashing into the sea below.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now